Do You Use Portable Vaporizers?


3 Answers

Valeria Garcia Profile
Valeria Garcia answered

DaVinci is the number one option if you can’t afford to spend more than a couple of bucks for a vaporizer. Apart from being small and discreet, it outperforms most of the expensive units. It’s lightweight and it comes in three colors: Black, gray and green. You’ll save money and you’ll be thrilled with the results.

Mary fernando Profile
Mary fernando , Portable Vaporizers, answered

Yes, a vaporizer allows a person to get the desired effect of tobacco and other herbs without actually having to smoke them. Using tobacco and other herbs in this manner is much, much healthier than smoking them, since the smoke itself creates several of the health risks associated with smoking. The obvious advantage of a portable vaporizer is the fact that you can take it anywhere with you. Many different types of portable vaporizers exist, but the vast majority of them basically work the same way.

Carry Niggan Profile
Carry Niggan answered

Yes, i bought NZO 3 pods for £20 cause that staff is so effective and cheap. If you are vaping, thats better than smoking ciggarettes. Be happy that they are not experimenting with cigarettes. Vaping is a passing fad and soon teenagers will find something else to obsess about.

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