
What Happens If You Inhale Chlorine Vapors?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Chlorine attacks the mucus membranes of the nose, throat, lungs and eyes. Chlorine basically turns to Hydrogen Chloride (HCl, better known as hydrochloric acid) when it contacts water. You can sense it at very low concentrations .5 parts per million (ppm) at 50 ppm it will cause sever coughing and if exposed to higher concentrations for long enough without medical attention it can eventually kill you. The aveoli in your lungs become burned and ooze fluids filling your lungs resulting in pulmonary edema. (fancy talk for fluid in your lungs) You can drown in your own fluids.
For a single exposure that only resulted in a nasty cough you will recover quite quickly. 8 - 10 hours.
Next time I recommend that you use a gas mask appropriate for chlorine…
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When putting chlorine in our pool - I inhaled some of the chlorine vapors - I can't stop coughing and it burns when I take a deep breath. It is getting better - just wanted some more information
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Depending on the amount of Chlorine Gas inhaled, if only a small amount is inhaled you may become sick and dizzy and find it hard to breathe.
If a large amount is inhaled-
SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION!!! Or alternatively die.
You may not be able to breath (Chlorine acts as a choking agent) the skin and eyes become irratable etc... Basically just get yourself to a hospital, don't ignore it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You cough for maybe an hour not straight but off and on. Don't breathe in too hard or else you will feel dizzy. You can smell it in your nose for like 3 hours. Get a good sleep and it will go away.
Rachel Bradford Profile
Rachel Bradford answered
Years ago I worked at the humane society,One of my coworkers took out the piece to make it 50%water and 05% bleach.I was in one of the rooms for about 15 to 20 minutes breathing in bleach.Everything smelled and tasted like bleach.I pasted out from it.I got my lungs x-rayed and the doctor showed me them.The x-ray looked like a pit bull had pulled and torn off the bottom of my lung.My question is will my lungs heal over time or is the damage done and I will live knowing my lung will always look like this?

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