Why are women more emotional then men? Example, today I cried.


3 Answers

Cyber Tooth Tiger Profile

That is not in all cases. I am an emotional guy, most likely more sad than some women out there.

Jaimie  JT Profile
Jaimie JT answered

Nope, we are not more emotional then men at all. We just aren't afraid to show our emotions!  Some men aren't afraid too,  no pigeon holeing, but lots are ( ego thing put on them unfairly ) That makes us awesome :) you should cry it out and then go be happy .. And AWESOME :)

Deston Elite Profile
Deston Elite answered

They're really not. There's just a gender stereotype that says a man shouldn't cry except in the most absolutely necessary situations (loss of a loved one, etc.).  A man who cries is seen as pathetic and weak and not a real man at all.

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