my boyfriend smoked weed for the first time 2 days ago, and ever since he's been feeling slow and feels like "a vegetable" and can't think properly. How long until this feeling goes away?


5 Answers

Karen aka Bailey's Mom Profile

The effects of smoking pot usually go away after an hour or so....Not sure what your boyfriend did, but that was not from smoking a joint.

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

Maybe that "weed" was laced with something else.  But if he feels that way .. Maybe he should reconsider that smoking isn't a smart idea.

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

That's not from smoking weed....

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Pot does not last that long. If he is still feeling this way, something may have been added to the pot. I suggest he see a doctor. He can go and be honest with them. If it is illegal where you are the doctors cannot tell the police on him.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Annie Neilson,

I wanted to answer you because I DO think the aftereffects you describe are caused by the marijuana...

* * *

Your boyfriend should never use marijuana again, and there is a possibility those symptoms will not subside, or only very slowly. In any case, that is what happened with me. I used weed several times in my days on Haight-Ashbury Summer of Love 1967 and I do believe I never fully recovered.

Watch out also for depressive mood effects. Around 10-15 years ago studies finally came out documenting what you describe plus the mood changes... can be very debilitating.

I worked hard to restore my own quality of life, with some success; but better for me had I not gone down that route at all.

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Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Tom marijuana is somewhat a quandary to me, because I know people who truly believe it does them no harm.

In San Francisco 1967-69, I truly thought my friends were deceiving themselves, in denial about effects of weed...felt I could myself see the same changes in them.
Difficult to sort out, of course, since so many of them used a variety of substances.

I did hear on the news recently that here in Washington State where marijuana is now legal for limited recreational use, there has been an uptick in auto accidents attributable to drivers under influence of marijuana.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
I have never smoked---tobacco or anything else. Years ago I would occasionally be at a party where it was present and some people said that I must surely have gotten a "contact" high.

But I was unaware of it if I had in fact done so.

"Tetrahydrocannabinol" is still one of my favorite words because of how it sounds when pronounced.)
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
THC! Yes it does rather have a nice roll off the tongue...strange I have never used tobacco in any form, either...

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