my legs are fat while upper part of my body from my waist is so skinny. i want to change this. i don't know what is right exercise or diet. i went to doctor and he said it's just your body type. any help please?


3 Answers

star gazing Profile
star gazing answered

Experience: Running as a sport has really helped me slim down and tone my thighs. Mix in some weight training to help tone your legs even further, and bulk up your arms just a little to even things out. This exercise is really good for you overall, if you do it right.

Other than toning it up, there's no way you can change your entire body type. Seeing the change after exercise will get you ultra confident though, it did it for me! Learn to love your body; you look great in jeans!

edit: Also, what your doctor means by "body type" is that everyone's bodies stores fat and gets slimmer/thicker in different ways and rates. This also means your bone structure--you naturally have wider hip bones, and that's that. Also, it's nearly impossible to "spot reduce" fat. If you workout, you'll lose all over, and in different places. 

Don't expect fat to come off overnight, as this'll always lead to disappointment. Getting the body you want will take a long time, and it'll take work, but in the end, you'll be proud of yourself. All that work will be so worth it!

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

Spot reducing or Reshaping your body is  not as easy as just dieting or exercise .. You have to think in terms of losing body fat (which involves the entire body) and toning muscles to give definition. You can not willfully choose an area of the body to reduce fat content .. That is something your genetically engineered brain controls . 

Susan Poche Profile
Susan Poche , Heath adviser, answered

I have the same problem with you. I'm so skinny but my legs are fat. You con try the listed tips below like me.

1. Avoid sugary foods:  Sugary foods are mainly responsible for excess fat in all parts of our body, not only in legs but also in stomach. Stop consuming sugary foods or cut down the consumption as much as possible.

2. Cardio: Cardio is an important part of the process of reducing leg fat. It means that you have to be involved in some sports, such as running, walking or cycling to eliminate excess fat in the leg. They only take you half an hour or even 10 minutes per day to take effects.

3. Water: We drink water every day, but if the amount is not sufficient, the body will experience dehydration and store more toxins. They will transform into fat cells and exist in different parts of our body. Thus, make sure that you take at least 8 cups of water each day.

4. Using apple cider Vinegar

  • Combine this vinegar and water with the ratio 1:2.
  • You can use honey to make it better.
  • Apply the mixture over the areas where you want to get rid of leg fat.
  • After half an hour, use warm water to wash those areas.
  • Using 2-3 times per day.

You can find out other tips at: - How to get rid of leg fat. 

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