
I have a long question, that ill post as a reply, its really frustrating to deal with?


4 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Why not just go to the doctor and have them run a urinalysis? Then you will know exactly what is going on instead of guessing and taking advice from strangers on the internet who almost certainly do not have any kind of medical degree.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

For about a month, when i pee it'll be cloudy and smelly. However, if i drink any liquids consistently, its perfectly fine. Ill drink water all day everyday, but when i wake up and pee, its cloudy and smelly again, it doesn't sting or hurt to pee either. I haven't had any new diet change, im not on any new medication, i don't have any sexually transmitted diseases (virgin) and i just don't know what i should do. If i sip on water throughout the day, itll be cloudy. If i take good amounts of water all throughout the day, its just fine. Should i try drinking cranberry juice now and taking cranberry supplements?

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Yes go to a doctor. You don't want to mess with organs that excrete waste product. Cloudy and smelly... Your body's trying to tell you something!

Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

Talk to a doctor!!    Period

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