Which medication can lower the heart rate?


3 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I think this is a question best suited for your doctor. Make an appointment to remove that can of... Whoops i mean... To ask this very important question.

Dances With  Wolves Profile

Your doctor best knows what medications to lower your heart rate but first they have to see if you have medical past history of a heart racing if your heart rate is more than 100 beats per minute than you want talk to your doctor or see one. I'm on a medication called Toprol XL but everyone is different than me or you . What works for some might not work for all. Best Wishes :)

thanked the writer.
Dances With  Wolves
Usually doctors try you on beta blocker medications first to slow your heart rate down but you can't take them unless you have a serious issue that is calling for you to take a beta blocker also they do prescribe Calcium Channel Blockers than again your doctor has got to find a reason for you to be prescribed any medication. I have a history of SVT ( Supraventicular Tachycardia ) which means my heart will beat really fast for no apparent reasons.
Dances With  Wolves
My condition is believe to be caused from Anxiety but i have had heart rates as high as 150 beat per minute.

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