Why Does Your Stomach Hurt So Bad When You Have Your Period?


12 Answers

Ray Hueston Profile
Ray Hueston answered
The stomach pains women experience while on their period are caused by the uterine muscle contracting. Commonly referred to as ‘menstrual cramps’, this is where uterus tenses then relaxes in order to expel menstrual blood. If the period is particularly painful, then you may be suffering from primary dysmenorrhea or secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is the most common and may begin a few days before actual menstruation starts. Secondary dysmenorrhea stems from medical complaints such as endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease.

Prostaglandin, a chemical found on the uterus lining, plays a central role in the cause of menstrual cramps. The higher the amount of prostaglandins means the worse menstrual cramps will be. Prostaglandins can also cause nausea, headaches, constipation, diarrhoea and dizziness. The intensity of menstrual cramps is different for everyone; some will feel heavy and painful cramps, whereas others won’t feel a great deal of pain. The cause of cramps is due to the uterine muscles contracting.

There are several ways to help relieve or ease menstrual cramps and other symptoms. Firstly, take part in some light to medium exercise, as this helps move menstruation flow (and it may take your mind off of the pain for a short while).

However, if the period has made it impossible to move properly then place a hot water bottle or heat pad onto the pain. Additionally, take paracetamol and anti-prostagandins. The latter will help relieve the discomfort, reduce menstrual flow and reduce menstrual cramps. Also, a hot bath and a bar of chocolate are ideal for easing pain caused by menstruation.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, I'm 15..I'm on my period too. Basically the only reason why you get those cramps are because of the contracting muscles in your uterus. Sometimes it helps if you exercise, just dance or something. It will help. But if the pain is so bad that you can't even move, try drinking green tea or my sister said that milk and honey mixed together is good too. Just have some Tylenol or Advil with you, and you'll be okay. But seriously try exercising. It really helps. It takes your mind off of the pain and the pain eventually goes away. And to everyone who was talking about the back aches and other aches that you get, it's normal. When your on your period, its normal to get back aches, or break out (acne/pimples), or if your legs start to hurt. So yeah, I hope my answer helped some people.  =D
Salma Ali Profile
Salma Ali answered
I too ever since I had my first period it hurt like hell only in the first day, hurts so bad that can't even move, just laying on bed like some dead person waiting for someone just to kill me, then in the rest of the days am okay, I think I was 13 or 14  back then..
Now I'm 20 and now I'm in my first day of period and ohh sh*t the pain was killing me before a while and feel like throwing up, oh how I hate that feeling!!
But thank God for "SPASMO-CIBALGIN" pain killer pills, its for us who suffers from period pain, my mom told me about it before 4 years, at first I didn't want to use it because I though it may not work for me, and after couple of awful periods I decided to try it, and it was like a miracle, I took one pill and 90% of the pain goes after 20-30 minutes, it works for like 3 or 4 hours until it effects fades.. So I take another one and so on until the 1rst day finish and the pain ends in the first day,THANK GOD!!
So I hope you all can try it, it will help you a lot like it did to me am sure of it!!  =D
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Everyone's pretty much covered everything. If it gets to the point where it hurts to move, just take slow movements. Walk around your house. I started mine today, & Had to miss school. But I'm walking around, drinking hot tea, Eating small portions of food. Mine are terrible. Even if yours are too, you still have to try and get back to your regular life. We will have this for awhile unless we have surgery or go through menopause. It sucks, I know.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 14 and my gut hurts so bad I can't move I try relax but it doesnt help I have even taken baths thinking it would help but it didnt I don't know why it hurts so bad someone please help
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 17 I have had mine Since I was 11 I don't understand I hurts and I am on the pill with me it does not work the pain away I still have it 2 weeks in a roll some I don't have it for Since but my back hurts my legs swell and heat bananas and hot bath does not work neither does eating right or excusing why
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 32 years old and I started my period today and it hurts like hell and I feel like I'm going to die why does it hurts this bad when will it stop.  I want to be my normal self again.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some people just have bad cramps I know I did, birth control pills really worked for me they where the only thing that help totally, there is a pill called fever few that works pretty good, but I had to take them starting a week before my period started.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The Cramps are because the muscles in your uterus are contracting.  The best ways to ease the pain is heat and exercise.  I know that its hard to move, believe me, I miss school for a whole week sometimes.  I get the strong pain all 7 days.  But if you just try to have someone hold your hand and walk around a bit it helps.  Or just relaxing in a hot bath with a book.  Try not to focus so much on the pain.  Thats hard too I know, but just really concentrate on something that relaxes you.  The heat method works because it sooths your muscles and makes them release.  So they arent contracting so much, which eases the pain.  Some people say eating a banana works because of the potassium.  But I'm pretty sure that is only for sore muscle cramps, not female cramps.  I hope my answer helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I almost turned 17 , because mines it's hurting so badly is called," anguish" so you'll be alright but you have to pray to ask God will help and fix y'all , and you are females and human being . Please trust me and please do not tell the males shh... (that's a secrets) ; I love you everybody.

When I have mine I get bad pain for two days and its non-stop I feel sick to I got mine when I was 10 years. I pray to God it stops .


Sarah Hailington Profile
When we get our period we get an increase in a hormone called Prostaglandin. The duty of this particular hormone is to contract smooth muscle, this is important when trying to excrete the blood from the uterus, people who have higher levels of this hormone will experience pain and discomfort as the uterus is contracting excessively.

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