1. Check Out the Colors
For women, leakage from the vagina
in the form of a thick discharge is normal. The mucus could be showing
up for any number of reasons. A clear mucus could be a sign that you're
in the mood for sex or that you're body is merely doing a little
self-cleaning. Before rushing out to the doctor for a prescription,
look closely at the color of the discharge to determine its origin. A
darker color associated with an odor and soreness or itching could be
signs of a problem. Some amount of vaginal discharge is normal in most women of
childbearing age. However, atypical discharge could be a symptom of a
vaginal infection. Normal vaginal discharge is clear, white or slightly
yellowish in color. Vaginal discharge that indicates a potential
vaginal infection can be greenish or grayish in color, have an
unpleasant odor and/or have an abnormal consistency. Help this helps :o)