
Is White Discharge A Sign Of Pregnancy?


17 Answers

Frances Bott Profile
Frances Bott answered
Typically, a thick milky discharge is a sign of ovulation. However, each woman's body is different from the next, and it could be a symptom of pregnancy for that individual. It could just be hormones, or possibly a yeast infection, yet it is best to see a specialist to ascertain the cause of the discharge. An infection could be the cause, as the white liquid would be akin to the pus found in outer-body infected areas. If the discharge is pregnancy-related, it could be accompanied by mild headaches and cramping, much akin to the symptoms of a period. The discharge itself is known as leukorrhea, the odourless or mild-smelling milky discharge that you may have noticed in your underwear before you were pregnant. Leukorrhea is a normal accompaniment to early signs of pregnancy, so it best to get it confirmed by a doctor. The leukorrhea is formed due to the increased levels of oestrogen in the body, leading to a higher volume production, and greater blood flow to the vaginal area. This discharge is made up of secretions from the cervix and vagina, old cells from the walls of the vagina, and normal bacterial from the vagina. If the discharge does indeed signal pregnancy, it will probably increase as you approach labour, although it's likely to look somewhat different from the flow you've become accustomed to as you approach labour.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you look up signs of preg, you'll find that breast tenderness, milky white discharge, and urinating a lot are symptoms.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same problem too can anyone help me, I have sore nipples not breasts, my back aches when I lay down and when I get up and start moving in the morning I get sleepy like again, my period is in three days and I have heavy clear white discharge can anyone help me?
Deborah Wacker Profile
Deborah Wacker answered
A white discharge does not indicate whether you are pregnant or not. What counts is if you had sex when you were ovulating 7-10 days after your last period. At that time you may see that whitish discharge which is just a mucus type drainage. I suggest you wait about a week after your period was due and check with a pregnancy test. Although they are not 100%. You can however, get a blood test done and they are 98% accurate. Watch for any signs pregnancy and see your Dr if you feel you may be pregnant. When you do get pregnant it is very important to get yourself a OB Dr. So he can start to moniter your baby.
Monica Bryson Profile
Monica Bryson answered
You could be pregnant, but discharge is normal pregnant or not. It is also signs of Bacterial vaginosis (BV ) or yeast infection and in some cases signs of an STD such as chlamidia. Whatever it is, since you think you have other symptoms, it can't hurt to go see your PCM, especially if you have something that needs to be treated (diflucan is one pill used to treat a yeast infection) or to find out your due date.
Amy Barany Profile
Amy Barany answered
White discharge is normal. Late periods are common too. So you can't tell whether or not you are pregnant based on that. You'll have to take a pregnancy test.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am also 19 and I have sore nipples and a milky white discharge.I have had unprotected sex all the time and I think I could be preg.  Some one help!!
ray of light Profile
ray of light answered
You are not pregnant if you are menstruating. White discharge with whitish coating on the walls of vagina can be fungal or mixed infection. This can be due to use of pills. Your partner can also be culprit to transmit this problem. Pregnancy can also be one reason. Have a pregnancy test. If Pregnant or not, in both the cases both partners should take treatment
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No it's not. Get a pregnancy test or a blood test and that will be an accurate way of knowing for sure.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If it is not normal for you then see a doctor it could be many things and pregnancy, bacterial infection, yeast infection etc....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A lot of those sound like the symptoms of pregnancy, but white discharge is completely normal for any girl.
Look on the internet for signs of pregnancy and if it describes what you are feeling; take a test or insult your doctor.
ariel Profile
ariel answered
Not necessarily it could just be your body getting rid of unwanted wastes or  even a yeast infection
Brittany Blalock Profile

I am 19 I have 10 days before my period. I have already ovulated. And have sex for about 6 days straight. Now I am having think sticky white discharge no itch or smell. The only other things that have been going on is mild pains in my lower stomach, back, and sides. I have also not been sleeping well and have had head aches. Give me some advice :)

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