
If A Doctor Gives You 3 Pills And Tells You To Take One Pill Every Half Hour, How Long Would It Be Before All The Pills Had Been Taken?


17 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1 hour--- Take a Pill, clock starts, take another 30 minutes later, take the last 30 minutes after that... 1 hour has passed...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1 hour
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1 hour
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The answer is 1 it doesn't matter when you take the first pill. But as soon as you take it an hour later they will all be gone!
Jessica Profile
Jessica answered
1 hour surely. If you take the first one as soon as he says to.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1 hour. You take 1, wait half an hour then have another, wait another half an hour then have the final 1
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is a terrible riddle. Good riddles have an answer that makes one say "ohhh. How obvious" once they discover the true answer.

The doctor here says to take one every half hour. If the clock starts when he gives you the 3 pills, you must wait half an hour before taking one. The most accurate answer is the obvious one, 1.5 hours.
thanked the writer.
Taylor Brookes
Taylor Brookes commented
Who says it's a riddle? Maybe they genuinely wanted to know. And the answer is actually 1 hour, although I guess you could argue that the clock starts when you get the pills and you could wait any time at all before taking the first one, but let's assume the clock starts when you take the first one. Who says that you need to wait half an hour after seeing the doctor?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If a doctor gives you 3 pills and tells you to take 1 pill every half hour how long would it be before all pills are taken ?

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