~MDZ of RedZonE--google me baby
Can You Shoot Up Suboxone? What If You Are Prescribed To Suboxone But You Shoot It Up? Can You Do Other Opiates While On Suboxone?
~MDZ of RedZonE--google me baby
1. I have a cutter/grinder all in one. First I cut two 8mg pills in half, so I have four halves. I put one of the four halves in the grinder and grind it.
2. Next I put the crushed pill into a spoon (prefer a thinner spoon so the process doesn't take as long).
3. Then I take a 1cc long point 28 or 30 gauge needle (depends which is cheapest), and draw water into the needle. Then put the water from the needle into the spoon with the suboxone. Wouldn't put more than 70units of water otherwise you end up with a lot of liquid in the spoon, and the mixture won't all fit into the needle.
4. I take the orange cap of the needle and stir the mixture so the suboxone dissolves into the water.
5. Then I take a lighter and heat the bottom of the spoon until the mixture starts bubbling or until it isn't cloudy anymore.
6. I then take a small piece of cotton and roll it into a ball (you could also use a cigarette filter, but I prefer cotton). I put the cotton into the spoon with the mixture.
7. I put the needle in the cotton and draw up the mixture. Be careful not to get any cotton into the needle, otherwise you end up with cotton fever (not so fun).
8. Then I let it cool for a minute or two, because if you do it right away, it will definitely burn your vein.
9. Next, tie your arm. I normally use a shoe lace with a certain knot in it to make it easier when you're done, to take off. Find a vein, and pull the needle back to make sure that blood is coming into the needle, and if there isn't blood rushing into the needle, you are NOT in the vein. I pull back multiple times while I'm doing this to make sure that I'm still in the vein.
10. I repeat this with the other three pieces of the suboxone.
I read 9 months ago before starting, that when you're done drawing the mixture into the needle, there is a thin sticky layer of suboxone on the bottom of the spoon and that is the part that shouldn't be shot up. At first I tried to be careful about that, but ended up realizing its all the same. So it doesn't really matter whether you draw up what's left on the spoon or not because it's the same as what is in the needle already. If you start using suboxone this way, you will understand better. The only downside I've had with this way of taking my medication is that it gets harder to find veins. After using the veins in the middle of my arm, I had to resort to using the veins in my hands and wrists. Gave the middle of my arms time to rest, and now I'm able to use those veins again. To me, this is just another way of taking my medication. I don't consider it abusing a drug or medication. I'm sure many people have different opinions about this, and that's okay. Just trying to show that shooting up suboxone isn't as bad as everyone thinks it is. Hope this helps.
Yes you can shoot suboxone. It is not good for you, obviously. You should never shoot pills. There are tons of fillers that can damage your veins, not to mention with Suboxone you are also shooting up that gross orange flavour and who knows what that does. When I was arrested they asked if I was shooting my Subs, to which I said no obviously, but they told me that's it's really not good for you, which is also what everyone else will tell you. Nobody usually explains exactly why it's so bad or what might happen though. It basically comes down to if you really care that much. Personally, I shoot suboxone occasionally. I have been prescribed it for a year. I stopped taking them as prescribed because the flavour turned gagging and nauseating. For me shooting Subs, if you're used to it - like taking as prescribed, will not have any effect. I split half an 8 mg pill and do half (8mg pills have less of the N substance than the 2mg.. And 4mg isn't too much) Also I've heard, and experienced (like doing all 8mg), that you can't shoot too much or the naloxone will kick in and block the effect. I can't get dope or anything so suboxone is "my" only hope.
You "can" do opiates but they will most likely have absolutely no effect because subs contain two opiate blockers, the naloxone and something else. The other is an opiate, but it's an opiate antagonist at the same time so it you get too much it will block the effects.
Tthe other possibility if you take opiates on suboxone is that you will just get sick, SO I Have heard, I'd rather not waste my money or risk going into immediate w/d when you could just wait a week to do it and feel the full effects you know?
So this is all my experience and what I've heard, if you still needed any info.
Remember: Everyone's body reacts differently.
Also if any of my information is incorrect please tell me.
Take care
Cold Shake Process.
1st .Bust pill or your dose down in to a powder
2nd . Add water
3rd. Stir the the powder and liquid until you a have an orange luquid
4th . You will need cotton to filter. "Cigg Filter" don't use all just a small peice.
5th.Insert needle into cotton and pull back your dose.
6th. Check needle to make sure no air is in the syringe
7. Tie it back and slam it.
Get ready is nice. But I prefer Subutec
Then you will start to feel it kicking in. Shooting a 2 mg will feel about the same as eating a 8 mg. If you have no opiates in your system you will not have a withdrawl from shooting it. As far as health side effects from it I don't know. I have been doing it since they first came out and I'm still pretty healthy. I don't recomend you try it. It is defeating the purpose. S.D.H.
Cheers, junkies
ok so there is alit of people on here thinking its safe to shoot suboxone. Well ive been taking it for three years now and have shot it every day now i have no veins to hit anymore arms hands legs feet gone and i got notts in my veins dont know what they are but i got a good idea of what it is and at first when i started shooting them it didnt hurt now it burns like crazy when i can do it and for getting high yeah you can and you do get sick if you do other stuff with it well not every one cause some people dint but i wouldnt try it not worth the sickness and i know for me it lasted two days i was sick not fun at all so if you want to shoot subs do tex not as bad for you and always be careful have a great day felow junkies ;p
There will be no more pill suboxone for sale, only if recieved illegally production as now been the sublingual films which can not be snorted or shot it can be fatal, do not take chances
Prescribed To Suboxone But You Shoot It Up? then you will get very SICK!!!!! Can You Do Other Opiates
While On Suboxone? No because if you do heroine will on suboxone you will become very sick & they will take you to the hospital!!!!