How Do I Get The Hiccups? I Want To Learn How To Get Them On Purpose, When I Want, Like During Class When Everyone Thinks Its Funny. How Do I Do This?


20 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Suck air in and drink water at the same time, do this a couple of times and it might work.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Your mom has to do it to you.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Drink a "Dr pepper" fast try not to burp!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Ha like I would know I never get them :P

I do know someone that gets them on purpose, but he just has to coff  weird... I'm so vary helpful :)

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't listen to people when they say suck in air and drink water at the same time. If you know anything about the human respiratory system you know there is a tube called the Trachia (your windpipe) and another tube that sends food down to your stomach. When you swallow anything, a little flap of skin covers the Trachia which prevents you from breathing to send the food down to the right tube. If you do try to suck in air, you won't be able to do it, and if you can, you'll choke badly.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Get a large piece of bread (don't make it too large!!!!). Chew a little bit, but not fully. Then swallow. You should feel it getting stuck in your esophagus. Theoretically this should make you hiccup because you get hiccups from eating too quickly
donna jackson Profile
donna jackson answered
You can get hiccups on purpose by doing what people try to avoid as it can be painful, eating food too quickly and gulping air with it. This causes your oesophagus to go into spasm, and the noise comes from the voice box closing in spasm. In babies this can be really sore and the whole chest may move with each spasm.
It is your body protecting itself from choking, as air and food need to pass down the same way as does liquid, but preferably separately.
If you pay attention to when you get hiccups it is when you talk and eat at the same time,  and when you drink to much, gulping air at the same time.(something your mother warned you never to do, as you could choke) and when you drink to much, causing the muscles to relax and then spasm, in the windpipe.
If you start this off, you may not be able to stop, which can be irritating both to you and others.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How I get hiccups is I get some water drink it but before that get air and drink and swallow thats how I get hiccups
Rajesh Shri Profile
Rajesh Shri answered
Hiccups are a result of the diaphragm getting irritated. Diaphragm is a muscular wall below the lungs and above the abdominal cavity where the stomach is. Diaphragm helps us inhale and exhale. It pulls down when we inhale and it pushes upwards when we exhale.
Hiccups are caused by the irritation to the diaphragm and the most probable reasons for the irritation can be having a full stomach as the stomach lies beneath the diaphragm.
The various causes for hiccups are eating too much food quickly, drinking alcohol in abundance, smoking, taking in a lot of air suddenly, emotional distress or excitement and a sudden change in the temperature of the stomach.
When the diaphragm is irritated it results in the throat sucking in a lot of air and that air when it travels down, hits the vocal chords in the voice box resulting in the sound which we call a hiccup.
Generally hiccups last for a few minutes and then they are gone. If the hiccups last for more than 48 hours or for months then it is a sign of a medical problem.
There is no way that a person can get hiccups voluntarily. They are generated on their own and there is no known way to get them any time.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To get hiccups you have to not breathe for a while drink water and then eat something really quickly this will give you hiccups
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh I don't know why you would want them they hurt I had them for like 2 days straight and there not fun
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well all you do is sit upside down and make a hiccup sound nad then go on your feet and you will have the hiccups or you can get some water and go on your head and swallow upside down and you will have the hiccups.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Eat really fast and drink at the same time and breath in air before you do this a lot of air I'm not responsible for anything ok you asked I answered no my fault for anything
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Get a glass of water suck in air and swallow the air and water at the same time that should do the trick!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You got to laugh a lot so you could get the hiccups I don't like science so I don't really pay attention
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I tried to get the hiccups by drinking water while gulping in air at the same time as I hung upside down off the side of my didn't work.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Drink water by doing a handstand if you can not do that try to tell your mum or dad to hould your legs up in to the air.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
HEY! Those take too long, I figured a way to make myself hiccup in a quick second! Open your mouth, push air out with back of trout to make you. Well I can't really explain since its my body, but its just too easy if you would understand! But if you do it 2 or 3 times, you will have the hiccups instead of always making yourself do one hiccup.
Gillian Smith Profile
Gillian Smith answered
To want to know how to hiccup to disrupt other people isn't amusing and it's unfair on others who want to concentrate on their studies.
It shows a level of immaturity to want to do this. Why don't you sit in a room by yourself and hiccup? That wouldn't be fun because no-one else would hear you. As you've been told how to do it already I would advise that you put your energy and talents into more useful pursuits which would benefit you and the rest of the class - such as concentrating on your lessons and showing respect for your teachers. By all means hiccup to your hearts content in the playground or in your room and then perhaps someone might think you're mildly amusing ?
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Oh, you are so very mature; studies are the most important part of any form of existence. I'm sure you are just the cliché watchdog/overseer to make sure that enjoyment comes from only your quasi proto-living. Obviously the poster of this question gets amusement from this, so my suggestion is bury yourself in a book and enclose all the information in the world into your already closed-minded perspective.

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