You can get a false negative but not a false positive
Yes, especially if you test too soon before the expected period. I just tested 12 and 13dpo (days past ovulation) and it was false then finally 17 dpo I got a positive result. Testing later in pregnancy will only make the positive test result darker and darker due to larger amounts of HcG in the urine.
A false negative is quite common when using the stream later in the day as hormone levels are not at their highest. I know that a lot of people critisize home pregnancy tests. That is because they are not being used as they should be. You should be using first thing in the morning stream, which is highest is hormone level, because as you drink and eat, these will be flushed out of your system
I think my daughter is pregnant but I gave her a home test and it said she was not. But her breast are getting bigger.pleases help me. Can she be to far along for a home test?