
Can An Ovarian Cyst Cause A False Negative Pregnancy Test?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It certainly can, it even says it on the directions of every home pregnancy test. If you have a history of ovarian cysts and think you might be pregnant, but you're getting negatives when testing with HPT's, your best bet is a blood test at your doctors:)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same question... I am almost certain that I am pregnant. I have been pregnant once before, about 6 months ago. That pregnancy sadly ended in a miscarriage around 6 weeks. Now, I have all the symptoms of pregnancy once again: Bouts of nausea and dizziness, extreme fatigue, heart burn in the morning, swollen and tender breasts, headaches, and an increasing appetite. Also, my last period was much lighter and much shorter than usual (my usual periods are extremely heavy and last between 7-10 days. My last period was fairly light and lasted only two days) However, I have taken two HPTs and both were negative. (I took one test at night, and the other first thing in the morning. I figure I am about 6 weeks pregnant, so the test ought to have picked up the HCG hormone.) After reading the directions on the HPT I thought I might have an ovarian cyst. I have thought this in the past (before I was ever pregnant) because I have had a reoccurring sharp pain around my left ovary for the past year and a half or so, and my periods are always extremely heavy and long. I have mentioned these concerns to my doctor but she completely dismissed it. I don't think my military insurance covers unnecessary ultra sounds, so I am at a loss at what to do. Please share any advice!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No if can not I went through the same thing the cysts have nothing to do with the hcg hormone that is released by the placenta all my doctors and nurses have said so its just a rumor from people acting like they know that they are talking about. Good luck and congrats
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Maybe. Certain types of cysts can cause a positive hpt   (like a dermoid cyst or cancerous cysts) so I don't see why another type of cyst can't cause a negative cyst.

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