
Why Won't The Scab On My Nose Heal?


7 Answers

Aidan McCartney Profile
Aidan McCartney answered
There are a couple of rather serious reasons why the scab on your nose will not heal, and the first one could be that you are suffering from diabetes. This disease means that the wound will either heal slowly or not at all. The problem may even be cancer. Skin cancer is actually more common than you think and generally occurs on the face and the ears due to the exposure of your face and ears to sunlight and UV rays.

You may be lucky, however. The problem could be that you are subconsciously picking at the scab. This would keep the scab from healing, meaning that you aren't suffering from either of the problems I have already outlined. If this has been continuing for quite a while then you should really see your doctor. Looking on the Internet can give you a general clue of what is going wrong but ultimately it cannot diagnose you and it will not help you cure the problem. The only person who will be able to properly diagnose you with whatever condition you may have is your doctor, and so you should make an appointment to see him or her as soon as possible.

If they have any suspicion that you have diabetes, they may ask you some questions about your diet and whether there have been any changes recently. They may also consider your BMI as sometimes diabetes can be a result of poor health and a bad diet. If it's cancer they may have some blood tests, amongst other tests, to see what is happening to the skin. What you can be sure of, however, is that if you are diagnosed with either of these problems then your doctor is the best person to help you. He or she will direct you to the best people to provide you with surgery if necessary, and they will provide you with all the support and medication that are required to keep you healthy.
Deborah Wacker Profile
Deborah Wacker answered
For one thing you will have to keep your fingers out of your nose. Apply neosporin with a Qtip once a day preferably at night time that way it will soften the scab and it will also heal it quicker since it is a triple antibiotic.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have got scabs covering the inside of my right nostril and its very very painful.
It wont heal as I get very blocked up nose in the mornings therefore have to blow my nose and this lifts the scabs leaving them open again.
I find myself picking the scabs out all the time without realising I'm doing it.
I'm finding it very hard not to do that atm.
Can anyone suggest what I can do to heal my nose?
thanked the writer.
Joan commented
Have you tried using a humidifier in your bedroom? I had a similar problem and the doctor suggested use of a humidifier and Vaseline. Both will least it helped me. I had a stopped up nose every morning and would have a bloody nose when I blew it in the A.M. Use a small bit of Vaseline on a Q-tip in the morning and just before bedtime. I hope that helps some. Make a concentrated effort to keep your hands away from your face and picking!!! Otherwise, see your doctor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know why it wont heal. I have had cuts just on the inside edge of my nose at the opening crease. They haven't healed since summer 2001... No not from picking maybe an air-born chemical exposure though. Basically I exited a plane on the tarmac as sonn as I passed through the door of the plane my nose chapped... The chapped cuts have never healed and now smell fowl... ENT guy says quit pulling my nose hairs. I of course don't pull them never really got into that habit sounds pretty nasty. Anyway best I can figure is that it mut be fungal. My basis for the conclusion is that over the years my nose has never had any improvement while taking antibiotics. My guess is that it was caused by some unmentioned chemical on the military base that I landed at. Quite sure that if I am correct they certainly would not say anything.
thanked the writer.
Joan commented
I assume you have alread been checked by your primary physician (?). At this point, my nextt step would be to visit a dermatologist. If he fails to give you a diagnosis, my next step would be to be checked by a doctor who specializes in allergies. Good luck.
Joan Profile
Joan answered
There is more than one reason this may be occurring. You could have diabetes, this disease can cause wounds to heal slowly or not at all. It could be cancer, skin cancer frequently occurs on the face or ears. It could be that you are overly concerned with it and pick at it without realizing it, which would keep it from healing. If this has been going on for some time, I would recommend that you see your physician or your dermatologist. Better safe than sorry!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ive had this problem for a while now, I'm using a Q-tip to rib neosporin in there and its getting better but slowly
tinga nih Profile
tinga nih answered
Stop scratching it.. Let it heal..

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