What Causes Low Iron Count In The Body?


5 Answers

lesley louis Profile
lesley louis answered
There are many things that cause low iron count in the body.  These range from diseases, to medications being taken and a poor diet.

There are certain diseases and illnesses that will affect iron.  These would be identified by your doctor and together you would correct the iron levels.

Such problems include ulcers, chronic bleeding and even hemorrhoids.  Once these problems are under control, it is likely that the iron count will resume normal levels as well.

Changing up your diet can increase your iron count.  Eating red meat, leafy vegetables, beans and fortified breads and breakfast cereals will increase your iron count.  Eating lower iron foods can quickly affect the iron in your system, where you’ll experience symptoms including fatigue, weakness and hair loss.

Many medications and vitamins can block iron going into the body and being utilized correctly.  Some of these medications will say directly on the bottle that they do this and suggest taking an iron supplement.  Others do not say, so if you are showing low iron levels, you’ll need to tell your doctor every kind of medication and vitamin you take so it can be determined which one needs to be changed up.

If you have low iron count, you should discuss it with your doctor.  They will run blood tests, look at any medication and prescriptions you are taking, as well as analyze your diet.  The diagnosis may be changing your medication, your diet, or simply putting you on an iron supplement that you can take daily.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Iron is a vital component of the red blood cells and helps in the formation of hemoglobin which carries oxygen to the cells in different parts of the body. A low hemoglobin count signifies a low iron count and results in mental and physical fatigue leading to a condition known as Anemia.

The reasons for a low iron count could be a diet lacking in leafy green vegetables which are rich in iron content, blood loss due to external injury, internal bleeding due to ulcers and other bowel disorders or prolonged intake of medicines like aspirin and also due to in some cases pregnancy.

The body stores iron in various organs and tissues like the liver and the spleen which when exhausted render a person anemic characterized by dizziness, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeats that if neglected could lead to heart failure or stroke; the condition can be corrected by iron tablets, a balanced diet and plenty of rest while avoiding strenuous physical activity.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dr said my iron count was 35 can that cause me to be having dizzy spells?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Iron count of 27

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