I have had 3 different planters warts on my foot and what my doctor told me was it was a virus that I had gotten from going in a very unclean spa area and I have had to have them lazer removed and it was bad it was the size of a 50cent piece and … Read more
What you can do is clean it with proxide and put some neospoin on it, figure out how you keep you baby from licking the cream off. My baby thought she was hot stuff in a fight and got bit on her but I cleaned it that way and put a cone on her and … Read more
I am going through this right now and my feet and calves swell real bad. If you take potassium pills you will have to take water pills also. My doctor also says that my heart my enlarge and my knees will not work as good. Drink lots of water. 

It don't matter how long as long as it was prescribed drug test don't matter as long as you have a written prescription, I work in a Union. But I was on it and it stayed in for 5 hours. Hope that helped.
We learn this the hard way after a 600. Vet bill. Could be the food. This will sound strange but buy Gerber baby food in the bottle stage 2 chicken,veal, lamb what you baby is lose with get it back with the baby food. For dehydration pedylight in ice cubes.
In California if you do a Ch.7 you have to wait 7 years, but if you do a 13, which is you pay back so much on the dollar you owe, what we did was after 3 years we were going to modify it (put something in) and then stop one and refile another one. … Read more