It depends on the individual's metabolism but it happens rather quickly for most women (within a couple of hours). Garlic "flavors" breast milk more than spicy food, although spices can alter the taste if a woman consumes a lot of them. Most experts agree that a woman does not have to abstain from eating anything … Read more
Yes. I never knew that I was completely missing one ovary until I saw a fertility specialist (for another issue) at 39 years old. I had always had one period every 28 days. Also, I got pregnant the second month I tried so there should be no issues with that for you in the future, … Read more
3,727.68 USD
It just takes one time, if she is fertile. And damn, wouldn't that be the worst luck? Use protection and birth control and you'll have a better time because you won't be worried about STDs or pregnancy (and both are no joke -- you should be worried).
Nearly all painkillers have acetaminophen (Tylenol) in them so be careful; there is a 5 mg. Of oxy without the acetaminophen available.
So you can stay for free in some of the most luxurious resorts in the world. Have you seen their planes?
The natives' polytheism confused the missionaries, who could not remember which god had power over which element of nature.
In a society where immigrants often outnumber nationals, it is helpful to be able to communicate fluently with the new population.
Some people can't shut up while others are reticent. Like all of human nature, it varies widely.
If the cancer has been caught in the first stage, there is a good chance that it won't reach the final stage.
Do you mean how do girls use the toilet to urinate? They sit on it, with their legs slightly separated, and pee straight down into the water or toilet bowl. Then, they wipe from front to back, dispose of the toilet paper by throwing it into the bowl, and flush. Next, they wash their hands … Read more
No, not if the sperm went in the belly button only. But, if you were having unprotected sex, there is no guarantee that some did not swim up the fertile river.
Since tri-tip is boneless, the rule of thumb is 1/2 pound per guest.
According to a medical site the following drug can help prevent the spread of herpes after first coming into contact with it:
Antiviral drugs called nucleosides or nucleotide analogues are the main drugs used to treat genital herpes. They are taken by mouth. (Acyclovir is also available as an ointment, but the oral form is … Read more
Give the child a break, for the love of God.
The thesis states the main argument of your paper. It could read something like: Gun control is necessary for a safe society. Then, you paper supports all the reasons why you believe this to be true (compare Detroit to the city in Canada that lies just north of it, for example. They are separated by … Read more
I have a Viking Husquvarna machine also (not the same model as you, unfortunately) and this is the only site I could find to help They are authorized to reproduce manuals but there is a charge. Maybe if you searched some blogs you could find someone to help you with your specific problem? Good … Read more
Formal education has its roots in the ancient Greeks (Socrates/the Socratic method of questioning). Plato was Socrates' pupil and he was the teacher of Aristotle. Plato founded the first university and was the thinker behind the philosophy which is now known as "life-long learning."
Meter is the structure of rhythm in poetry. It consists of patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables, each with its own name (iambic pentameter, for example, is five "feet" each consisting of an unstressed and then a stressed syllable). A foot is the specific sequence of syllable types that make up the meter.