
Why Cant You Eat Tortilla Chips With Braces?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I ate chips one time, and then when I went to go clean my teeth, I've damaged one of the braces, and the wire became unattached to the bracket.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I ate tortilla chips once cause I was sooo hungry and the list of foods you are aloud to eat is so small. I did okay, but I ate really slow for fear I would break a bracket and I just kind of sucked on them till they were softer. My dentist told me if I broke a wire or bracket more then three times they would remove my braces and I would lose privilege to have them haha so I try to follow the rules as much as I can.
Bella Almeida Profile
Bella Almeida answered
You probably can but it hurts
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have braces and I can eat tortilla chips. Mabey when your orthodontist told you this he was high

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