
What Happens If I Get Pregnant On Implant?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You need to go see a Dr asap! They will tell you its not possible, and you may get plenty of negative test results, but I am looking down at my tummy at 17 weeks gone- I had been on the implant 6 months ang it happened! Anyway, my baby is fine and there is no proof it will harm you, but it must be taken out immediately!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its different for every person. I have the implant and I have lost a baby as I didnt know that I was pregnant when I got it in as I told the nurse that I was on my period when I got it and I wasnt and I though that the implant had stopped my periods but a friend of mine has had a baby when she was on th implant and her baby is prefect! , it depends on the person as everything and every form on contraception does the only thing that can stop you from getting pregnant is to not have sex.

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