
Can Hormone Imbalance Get Pregnant Easily?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I do not know the answer a doctor would give you on this but I can tell you what happened with my sister. She had to get on birthcontrol to balance out her hormones. She was having her period every 2 weeks at 16 years old. After that while she was on birth control she got pregnant. So I believe that you can still get pregnant very easily if you have a hormonal imbalance. Hope it helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lately for the past 6 months my period has been crazy it would come on twice in one month starting at the first and then coming back on at the end of the month. And then skip the next month then come on once the following month and then again twice and then a regular period the next month. I had my tubes tied and was told that my hormones was imbalance but this month I have been feeling more tired then usual and have been throwing up a couple of times. Is there any chance that I might be pregnant?

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