
Is It Bad To Snort Promethazine?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'd like to know if it actually works via nausea relief though?! I have suspected crohn's (surgery tomorrow to find out) and the tube to my stomach doesn't close and my acid reflux is sooo bad it burns holes in my stomach!!! I can't keep ANYTHING down ever, in fact it's about 98 % guaranteed that I'll throw what I ate up. So I can't keep this stuff down! If snorting would work I'd do it. Screw the burn, it's got to be better than throwing up blood!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered


Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
For some reason people are very hesitant to answer this question....
Ive searched all over for something about its effects;
no cigar.
No dice.

So; I did it the old fashioned way; crushed a bit up (tiny amount) snorted it and it wasnt very painful or anything so I did some more (rest of the pill) and then I just had a nasty drip, a pain in my nose and no effects.

I don't rly get much from prometh anyway tho.... Soooo, you?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, like anything promethazine can be ingested in many ways, snorting however is NOT recommended... Not only will you regret the idea, I have never gotten anything from it, might as well just pop 100mg, and have a cocktail, quite enjoyable..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Are you just responding to yourself to try and get someone to say something because you need comfort in snorting a retarded promethazine?  Get some oxy if you are going to snort pills, promo is a terrible pill to snort, its a frickin anti nausea pill for christ sakes,okay I'm sorry you are not retarded that was rude but I really think that this type of pill is probably MORE effective or just as effective just popping them and chilling.  I had them once and they were 25 mg I'd pop a few and as side from my stomach feeling overall "calmer" they didn't do anything for me.  And if you have to drink alcohol to feel anything, it's not worth the trouble/potential liver failure.  But thank you anyways for posting this.  In case you are curious on a side note, my wife has restless legs and she took 2 of them one night and the promethazine kicked in as a "calmer" sort of and she was able to sleep.  Just thought you want to know :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tried snorting it last night.
It burned like a bitch for a while.  And after an hour or so my sinuses were clogged with green mucus. Gross.
I was on some other stuff at the time so I don't really remember the effect was =/
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't know about snorthing it, tried last night and all it did was give me the sniffles this morning, didn't feel nothing from snorting but chew and sip and it'll numb your mouth and make you roll around saying weird thingsif you about 100 mg. Try it with alcohol, it's nice.

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