
Should I Put Alcohol On A Cut Or Burn?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Peroxide on a cut, burn or ANY open would, HELL NO. Unless you want to be in utter UTTER agony, not to mention the fact it'll cause massive damage to the exposed tissue with chemical burns. (I had a amputation would cleaned every week for 5 weeks with peroxide @ my local hospital and that was ONLY under local anesthetic)

Alcohol of any type (inc spirits) will adequately cleanse a wound of bacteria long enough for a proper medical sterilizing agent (betadine etc) to be applied along with an appropriate dressing.

Also the best treatment for a burn is NOT ice, using ice can cause further pain and damage via cryogenic burn. The BEST treatment for a burn is gentle running cold water and/or a cold compress. Some GEL products are available but the best by far is simply some fresh Aloe Vera, it'll help keep the burnt skin soft and moisturized which will help alleviate a lot of the associated pain. Do not use cream type products as they can retain heat causing further damage.

Depending on the extent and severity of the burn (1st, 2nd or 3rd degree) and over what % of body urgent medical attention may be required.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I came across this today because I googled "rubbing alcohol for a burn".  Last night I burned my finger on a piece of hot glass.  I mean red hot.  I knew I burned my finger kinda badly, and I had a small bottle of 70% rubbing alcohol.  I quickly poured it into a small cap and dipped my burned finger into the liquid, pulled it out, and blew on it to evaporate the alcohol quickly for rapid cooling.  It killed the pain like a charm, I couldn't believe it.  It also left my finger feeling numb to the point where when I dipped my finger in I didn't know if it was wet or not.  Thought I had nerve damage or something.  

Anyway I went to sleep, woke up, and my finger did not develop a blister(sack of skin filled with pus) which normally happens with a burn and I have zero pain, and my finger feels close to normal except for the burned patch, which just feels a little flat when I touch it.  Hope this was helpful.
Arun Kumar Profile
Arun Kumar answered

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Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Actually, you want to but something like bacitracin or A&D ointment on it, these will kill any germs that might be lurking, and it will help it to heal better. If it's bad enough, you should go to the hospital. Hope this helps, good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
NO! Don't use alcohol, use PEROXIDE, peroxide will kill any gems and cleanse the area, then you will be able to apply some kind of antibacterial ointment on it, this is only for cuts and scrapes, burns are different, the best treatment for a burn is ice, do not use butter as some suggest because this only retains the heat, depending on the degree of the burn, you must decide if you need to seek proper medical attention, burns can be serious and scar the skin if not properly treated!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, you can clean it with alcohol. Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol will kill germs, but stings like nothing else. It feels cold, but hot at the same time if applied to a cloth, which is then put over the cut. It's not particularly unpleasant, but it is an odd sensation. As for using it on burns, I don't know, as I've never tried it.

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