
What Kind Of Infection Can A Uncircumcised Man Give To A Woman?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Men that are not circumcised and do not pull the skin back on his penis when he washes can build up GERMS that can turn into something you might not want to get ,chlamydia is a std that could happen if he is so dirty.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No. Bacterial vaginosis is not an std. It is caused by the elimination of the normal vaginal flora, making you susceptible to infection. The most common cause of this is over douching or prolonged use of antibiotics.
Muhammad Nadeem Profile
Muhammad Nadeem answered
There are studies with different results and conclusion about circumcision. Some say that there are no advantages of having circumcision while other prove some benefits. Some studies suggest that uncircumcised men are more prone to develop urinary tract infection.

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