After How Many Weeks Can You Know The Sex Of The Baby?


4 Answers

Vanessa Tackett Profile
Vanessa Tackett answered
Typically you won't be able to know the sex until you are at least 4 months into your pregnancy
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think its during the middle of your second trimester is when they can determine the sex of the baby.  But, you will be able to confirm this with your OB/GYN next week.  Good Luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your Ob-Gyn doctor usually will have to do a sonogram when you about 20wks which is 4 month to 5 months because that is the time were the baby is big enough and moving more to were you can at least get the gender... But most times the baby has there legs crossed and they make it hard for the sonographer to see... They say if you drink orange juice it makes the baby more active... So if you want to try that you can...... Good luck...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It depend on the person but the doctor will tell you to wait six weeks

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