
How Long Does It Take For A Women To Get Pregnant After Sex?


21 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
After having sex how many days is it possible for a woman to be pregnant?
taylor ham Profile
taylor ham answered
If I had sex on February 14th unprotected and the last time I had my period is on the 6 or 7th of February is it possible that I can be pregnant? Its about a week and some days now and my breast are taking out some sort of white stuff (not much). Could I be?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm really freaking out, I had sex on 2 days ago, unprotected and I should get my period in the next few days. I'm to scared to go get the morning after pill but I should. Where can I go to get it?? I really don't want to get pregnant.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had sex 7 days before my period had no protection I started getting morning sickness and I'm supposed to start today is there anyway I am pregnant?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She is suppose to see her period on the 15th and had sex on the 8th, is it possible for her to get pregnant?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had sex with my boyfriend one day before my period and had ovulation signs a few days before (odd I know) anyways tha next day I got my period is there anyway I could be pregnant...we are trying to be..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I Had Sex Last Week I Think I Have Morning Sickness Because I Keep Vomiting And My Stomach Really Hurts Am I Pregnant?
Jessica Castorela Profile
If I had sex April 10th 2010 and my boyfriend told me on April 11th 2010 and the doctor told me that due date is jan'3,2011 is that about right?
Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered
As long as it takes the sperm to swim up to the egg and impregnate it which when happens you have conceived.
stephanie rodriguez Profile
It takes about a week to become what you would call pregnant or with child.....although its not a baby or child yet because it has no heartbeat. But it takes the sperm 2 to3 days to get to the tubes and then with what sperm is left must get into the egg.... Which could take another 3 days but if the sperm attaches itself to the egg it can still die before the cell splits or while it is splitting.
Peggy Irish Profile
Peggy Irish answered
It depends on when you are ovulating and when, in that cycle, you had intercourse.  The pregnancy window for ovulation is 8 hrs.  Sperm can live up to 2 days so if you had intercourse a day and a half ago and you start ovulating, you can get pregnant.  If you are actually ovulating when you have sex, then you can conceive immediately.
Tariq Habib Profile
Tariq Habib answered
As sex is a natural phenomenon, in the same way pregnancy is also a natural phenomenon. As you know every action has its own reaction, in the same way if you go through sex, there will be some results whether positive or negative. Pregnancy itself may be positive for married woman and negative for unmarried woman.
So far your question is concerned that how long after you have sex does it take to know if you are pregnant or not, it is also in the hands of God Almighty. God has made clear rules and regulations for every action of the human being. In the normal course, you can easily judge whether you are pregnant or not, if you don't have periods next month after having sex, you will know that you are pregnant and if you have periods next month after having sex, that means you are not pregnant. You can't have periods even after having sex due to some other medical reasons. The best way is to get you medically checked up by some good doctor. He will take some of your medical tests and he will confirm or otherwise your pregnancy. In the normal routine it takes only month to know whether you are pregnant or not. If it is not confirmed within one month maximum by two or three months the result will be confirmed whether you are pregnant or not.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If I had sex on da 18 of sept and my due date is Jun 20 did I conceive from that day?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I jst hd sex with my b'friend 2 weeks ago. N I was on my periods. Da nxt week I went 4 pragnancy testing n it was negative. Am I not pragnant 4 real?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The two weeks it take to conceive the baby and all that other stuff do the include that two weeks on your other weeks.Do they even count those two weeks?
Motz Profile
Motz answered
She gets pregnant in the moment the spematozoid contacts the ovule. This can take at maximum 8 days. If the spermatozoid doesn't meet the ovule, the woman does not get pregnant.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A woman gets pregnant right away. It is not something that happens down the road or ten minutes later. It is best to always use protection.
keturah smith Profile
keturah smith answered
It depends if you use a condom or if your on your period if your on period you can get pregnant it will be up tell else a week listen 2 me ok I'm right
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If I had sex on the 1st november what day did I conceive as I heard it takes 2 weeks before you are actually pregnant and the fetus starts 2 develop is that true ?? Please help

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