My Finger Got An Infection And Now It's Turning Green, What Do I Do?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I get this all the time, you need to soak the infected finger in hot as you can handle water with pcp or similar, then you need to get cotton buds soaked in the same hot sollution, and then push out the infection, it hurts a bit but works!
jessica larreinaga Profile
I had that problem about three years ago my doctor popped the green bubble which is an infection and gave me antibiotics and it went away so you should really see your doctor ASAP and see if they can take the poison out and take your meds it is important you take all your meds or they wont work. I hope that was helpful good luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Rub a dead cat on your face for 7 hours then take a bath in used car tyres. It probably won't work but you will look cool!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go back to that doctor or see another doctor.... You need help asap. If they are not open right now got to the emergency room.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thats happening to me right now just pop it and soak and put on antibiotic and a bandage and it will be fine

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