Can You Get Pregnant 15-18 Day After Your Period?


32 Answers

Shane Richardson Profile
Medical research shows that women are fertile from day 10 to 17 of their menstrual cycle. This however will depend on the cycle of the lady. Women have different types of cycles which highly determine when they are more likely to get pregnant in case of unprotected sex. Types of menstrual cycles are the regular and irregular cycles. The regular cycle is also grouped in to the 28-days and 35-days cycles.

While it is possible to conceive between day 10 and 17 of your cycle, there are factors that need to be considered for different people. The period when a woman is fertile can be referred to as the fertile window. The fertile window may differ for different women especially teenagers and those about to hit menopause age.

According to scientific research, 70% of women have at least one fertile day outside their fertile window. This may come before the 10th day or after the 17th day of their menstrual cycle. In most cases when women conceive during these safe days, they refer to those babies as ‘unplanned for’ because they knew that they cannot conceive at that time.

It is very important to note that ovulation can be very unpredictable therefore you cannot afford to take a gamble with this issue. Usually may people follow the theory that one cannot get pregnant a few days before or after their periods but that does not work in the same way for every other woman!

During ovulation, the ovum is usually pushed to the fallopian tube for fertilization. The ovum takes up to 36 hours in the womb and is released as blood if not fertilized within that period. Many women have ovulation between day 11 and 21 of their cycle.

Knowing this makes it even harder for you to know your safe days! Since it is possible to conceive between day 10 and 21 of your cycle, you need a proper understanding of your cycle to know your fertile window. You can calculate this on the web page and many more but remember that your body and that calculator are different machines, they operate differently!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My last period was on 8.07.2010 and had unprotected sex on 25.07.2010 (18th day of my cycle) - is there any chance I could get pregnant?
eihj yadot Profile
eihj yadot answered
Me and my husband had unprotected sex 11th-13th days after my period. My cycle is 28days, my period is from feb.18 -24. I really wanted to have a baby girl. Is it possible for us to have a baby girl? We already have a son and his already 6yrs old now. I'm really wishing to have a daughter and a baby again in our I pregnant now? When can I take the pregnancy test? :-))
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Can you get pregnant 15 to 18 days after your period
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok my period came on jan.18-23 and I had unprotected sex on the 31 can I be pregnant?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had unprotected sex on the 15th  day after my period which was on the 25th of November and then had unprotected sex again on the 2nd of november my period is due on the 9th of december what are the chances of me been pregnant ?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My last period was march 11th nd it usually lasts 4 days
I had sex feb 29th
its april 15th and  I still havent gotten my period could I be pregnant ?
Some one helpp :/
light night Profile
light night answered
My last period was on15th january 2011 and had unprotected sex on 8 to  18th days of my cycle is there any chance I could get pregnant?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My cycles are 7 days long and I had unprotected sex 7 days after meaning 15 days after my day 1 of my period according to the hours. It will be approaching a week after that night and I don't know if I might be pregnant. Can I be pregnant?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
That depends on how long your cycles usually are.  If it's a normal 28 day cycle, then you're most fertile 12 - 15 days after the first day of your last period.  (You count your cycle days starting with the first day of your period)  If your cycle is more like 30 days, then you would be most fertile on days 15-18.  

Sorry if I confused you, it can be a complicated thing to explain without the right numbers.  If you give me the actual length of your cycle and when your last period started I can pinpoint it a bit better for you.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I have a 18-day cycle, I started on Nov. 20 through Nov. 25. When would I most likely fertile?
Anonymous commented
Hmmm, your cycle is very short. I would have to estimate that you would ovulate around the 24th, but that is still during your period and most women don't ovulate then. If you are trying to get pregnant, then I would suggest you talk to your Dr. It may be that you have a short luteal phase (the two weeks between ovulation and your next period.) This would change the estimation of your ovulation date. So talk to your Dr, get some testing done and then go from there. Another way to determine when you generally ovulate is to check your basal body temp (this site helps explain the process But that would take a few months before you could get a general idea. Talking to your Dr is your best bet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok my last period was on the 14th of May,I had sex the 27th of that same months and then again on June 3rd,could I be pregnant?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Um.. I had unprotected sex on the 18th day of my cycle. (march 24)n I had protective sex today (31 march) my periods is due on the  3-6 of april... Is it posible I could be pregnant?? Because I'm confused >_
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My period comes on the 29th of every month it last for 5 days and  I had  unprotected sex yesterday can I get prego???
Chrissy Stevenson Profile
Well my last period was on January.29th/2010
and I sure did had sex on that day when I done my period on the very same day
so it means I am having a baby boy but yeah 3 weeks and 3 days and and 4 more days left to go til' it comes I am so excited I was always ready but the daddy walked out and said I am not ready for a baby so I don't know my parents are helping me out my girlfriend is also
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had my last cycle in Jan.2010 but I was active in dec.2009 as well. I thought my cycle was gone off in dec. 2009 but after sex it started back. I was wondering did I get pregnant in dec.2009 or did I get pregnant after my last cycle in jan.2010. I did not have a cycle any in feb. 2010.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
For pregnancy normal hormonal levels, normal  periods, ovulation, normal pH of vagina, normal functional intact uterus, normal sperm count of partner and unprotected sex on ovulatory days are needed. Ovulation usually takes place at mid of cycle. Egg can live for 24 hours. Sperms can live for 5-7 days. So, sex few days before and within 24 hours of ovulation can result in pregnancy. Sometimes, ovulation can occur late or early. In case of late ovulation, sex after 15-18 days of periods can lead to pregnancy.
thanked the writer.
rachael martinez
rachael martinez commented
I'm 15 weeks and 3 days pregnant so did I get pregnant in july or augest have no clue
rachael martinez
rachael martinez commented
I don't know when my last period is I think its july 31 but it doesn't make since I'm already 15 weeks and 3 days its weird and freakin me out
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Most women ovulate about 14 days after their period began. Some may ovulate as early as 10 days after and many do not ovulate until much much much later. These women have cycles that are far longer than the textbook 28 day cycle. After you ovulate you enter the luteal phase of your cycle. This is the part of your cycle that is usually pretty stable. Again here however there is a range. Typically women get their period about 12-16 days after they ovulate. Very few women have more than a 16 day luteal phase and women who have a shorter than 10 day luteal phase probably do not have sufficient progesterone to sustain a pregnancy. Because of these ranges unless you have been charting your cycle and actually know when you ovulate there's not really a way to know which is closer to the case with you. If you know how long your cycle is then you can subtract 14 days to give you idea of when you might typically ovulate but that can change in any given cycle and it sounds like just the range alone might leave too much in question in your case. But there is no set in stone answer only ranges of what is normal. So if you have fairly regular cycles then you can subtract 12-16 days from your cycle length and know that you probably ovulate at that point in your cycle. If days matter though you're probably going to need a paternity test. Even a scan is not going to be able to truly definitively say "oh you conceived on this day." They also work on averages. Good luck.
Elisabeth SuChy Profile
Elisabeth SuChy answered
Ovulation normally occurs 7-14 days after the first day of your period. Eggs live for about 12-24 hours. Sperm live for up to three days. Male sperm swim quickly, but die fastest. Female sperm swim more slowly, but live longer. So... If you have sex before you ovulate, chances are it will be a female. And if you have sex while you are ovulating, chances are it will be a male.
Julia Mike Profile
Julia Mike answered

It will give you the days you are most fertile.
Usually it is 14 days before your next expected period. If you are on a 28 day cycle than your days should be between the 14th to the 17th, ovulation being on the 16th. I only know the dates because I got my period the day after you and my dates are the 15th - 18th.

You can also go to this Ovulation Calculator get all the information needed on preconception and pregnancy

michaela montague Profile
Its usually 2 weeks after your period as that is when you are most fertile but I think it depends and can vary from person to person. Your doctor can tell you when you conceived by your scan which will let you know. HOPE YOU MANAGE TO FIND OUT.
caroline Profile
caroline answered
You ovulate 14 days before your period. So, on a normal 28 day cycle, 2 weeks after your period is the same time as 2 weeks before your next one.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok if you had sex 6days before your period but then have your period to days late could you be pregnant ??????
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The last time I had sex was on feb7 and he used a condom then I got my period 2 weeks later. And I ALWAYS get my period on time and I'm 2 days late on my period. Could I be pregnant?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I got off my period on the 9th o jan and I had unprotected sex on jan 28 my period was suppose to come on the 4 and it didn't  am I pregnant?

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