I Had Unprotected Sex On The First Day Of My Period. Could I Be Pregnant?


6 Answers

Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
No, you can't be, when you have your cycle, it is the dead egg that your body is getting rid of, and it can't be empregnated.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My girlfriend and I had sex on her first day too...there was heavy bleeding and I believe that I did pull out...she took the pill and now her period is completely gone..could she be pregnant??
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Eermm, not so sure
The symptoms you have may be the effect of the sperm in you...That happens to some people

But you should ask your doctor if this continues
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Maybe / maybe not... You got to wait and see... Fatigue and nausea might be just from tension and doesn't necessarily mean you are pregnant... Wait and see what happens
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same problem, I'm about two days late for my period but it could just be stress making it late. It's always possible, apparently, but it's not very likely. I will never be taking that risk again and I advise you not to either. If someone takes the pill, their periods stop. When you take a pregnancy test and you're on the pill it will say you are pregnant even though you're not. The pill fools your body into believing it's pregnant so that you don't ovulate.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I fell pregnant whilst on my period last year so it can happen. Everybody ovulates at different times.

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