How Do I Keep My Penis Hard For Ages Without Using Viagra Or Such Medication, Ie. Is There A Natural Way Of Doing So?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well here is the penis get hard but will not stay to long.what can I do to keep it hard when I have sex needed help now.
thanked the writer.
Aay Jay Aay Jay
Aay Jay Aay Jay commented
Viagra is a medication for erectile dysfunction. It works by relaxing your blood vessels and increasing the blood flow to your penis. 
According to a recent study, two out of three men who experienced erectile problems reported that taking a PDE-5 inhibitor such as Viagra improved their erection. 
In most cases, Viagra takes effect within 30 minutes.
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milfred hoojighabba Profile
Ok I asked my husband to answer this question for me....he has said to do "towel Raises" lol..ok this is what you have to get and irraction go grab a towel and try and lift the towel while it hangs from your penis... That will strengthen you mussels in your penis...another way to prolong your erection is to...get an erection and masturbate until you are about to cum hold it slow down and relax a lil...start to do it again until you are about to cum and slow down and wait again....that will build up your tolerance to be able to last longer...I hope that helps you out.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Read at , have good articles about men & sexual health. There is the way to you lasting longer in bed.
carlos Striker Profile
carlos Striker answered

It is natural but erection to perpetuity not possible unless you want to be called dickhead?

Meg Thomas Profile
Meg Thomas answered

I think that the use of Viagra and similar drugs can really help and positively affect a person’s sexual activity in principle. Not only if you have a problem with this. If you're interested, usually I buy something like this For myself. It is worth saying that it really helped me a lot.

Martin Garret Profile
Martin Garret answered

There is no natural viagra. There are ways to help a bit but it's not serious support. If you struggle with it then the most reasonable option is visiting a doctor. If you don't want to then look for a cheap pharmacy. This, for instance,

Matilda Kunher Profile
Matilda Kunher answered

My boyfriend is having the same problem. He has decided with the help of viagra First, I think you should see a doctor to determine the problem. Self-medicate is stupid. Medicine does not stand still. I think it's possible to fix it.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I found this to work just simply drink a cup of water and hold your piss befor sex afterwards then go to the bathroom

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