How Do I Keep My Penis Hard For Ages Without Using Viagra Or Such Medication, Ie. Is There A Natural Way Of Doing So?
It is natural but erection to perpetuity not possible unless you want to be called dickhead?
I think that the use of Viagra and similar drugs can really help and positively affect a person’s sexual activity in principle. Not only if you have a problem with this. If you're interested, usually I buy something like this For myself. It is worth saying that it really helped me a lot.
There is no natural viagra. There are ways to help a bit but it's not serious support. If you struggle with it then the most reasonable option is visiting a doctor. If you don't want to then look for a cheap pharmacy. This, for instance,
My boyfriend is having the same problem. He has decided with the help of viagra First, I think you should see a doctor to determine the problem. Self-medicate is stupid. Medicine does not stand still. I think it's possible to fix it.