It sounds like you may have a hormone inbalance called Polycystic Ovary Sydrome and it cause excess hair and weight gain. T
he first things first is to book an appointment with the doctor. You can remove hair by creams; waxing, threading or through laser treatment. There are some medications that help with the body hair and weight gain that helps the condition. Also eat more complex carbohydrates to fuel your body and plenty of protein and low Glycemic Index fruit and vegetables.
The doctor might even give you some tips or referral to Nutritionist. Then work on yourself and your self-esteem. And then book in for a beauty treatment like laser treatment which can perminantly decrease the hair or remove hair by hairremoval creams for dark hair; or shaving. If the hair is dense and long a good trick before using the creams or shaving it to use a special, and clean, bikini shaver/razer and shave the hair down and then then use the creams or shave. I do it all the time. Then you will might feel more confident and meet someone.