My cycle is irregular & my last was Aug 30th & it ended sept 4th. I had intercourse 3 times between sept16th thru sept 23 I've been having bad headaches, cramp Oct14th I noticed spotting when I wiped. I didn't last long thought it was my cycle but it wasn't. Help?


2 Answers

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

You've had unprotected sex on multiple occasions, so of course you could be pregnant. Both partners need to be using their own birth control in case one fails, the other birth control method should work. There's no excuse for having unprotected s3x unless you are yearning for a baby at this point in your life. So, you need to get a pregnancy test and use it first thing in the morning. Good luck.

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

If you're asking if you could be pregnant ... Just get a home pregnancy test, and check yourself.

thanked the writer.
Angel Clarke
Angel Clarke commented
i took one the same day as the spotting but it was negative. but do you think i should wait a week or two just to make sure?

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