I usually have a flat stomach.. but now im all bloated? 17 female?


6 Answers

Eshmaal Fatin Profile
Eshmaal Fatin , Flat Stomach, answered

The bloated belly, stomach or abdomen is due to unhealthy life style and eating habits and eating patterns. Further junk food is one of the causative of bloated stomach. Avoid junk foods, add fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet, add walk, jogging and exercise in your routine. If most of the time you are sitting it also cause bloating stomach. Need to be physically active for flat stomach again.

LighterMan Down Profile
LighterMan Down answered

What are trying to ask ?

Isha Sharma Profile
Isha Sharma answered

If you want flat stomach follow diet

Diet and Lifestyle: You need to follow a lifestyle as prescribed by the experts.

  • Avoid high carbohydrates like potato, polished, rice.
  • Increase intake of fruits and salads
  • Avoid oily and spicy foods drink of lukewarm water with lime
  • Use of powdered cum seeds, coriander leaves salt and ginger powder with outer milk should be recommended.

Taila Nevado Profile
Taila Nevado answered

Hello, this may be because of indigestion or intolerance to
lactose. Here are some foods that you should avoid in order to prevent
bloating: Diet and fizzy drinks, fatty meals and dairy creams. Check this link
for more information: https://www.avogel.ca/en/health/digestive-problems/bloating/?gclid=CjwKCAjw-dXaBRAEEiwAbwCi5h-QEtwj83IEMOsJ03WvV5WW27L7l93FpV89lqTDxmsgi5Dprz6N4xoCFisQAvD_BwE.
I hope that the solutions suggested on this website are useful to you.

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