Hello friends have you ever needed Emergency room treatment. I wanted to warn you please be careful using MedExpress Urgent Care . I went there recently .Their not cut to be what they should. Please go to the Emergency room at your local Hospital?
They didn't bring up my records from my Family doctor and the doctor ended up prescribing Keflex which is antibiotic that doesn't always work for me cause my body became immune to it plus they needed me to tell them what I'm taking. In mean while this place had permission back in November 2016 , to bring up my records from my Family doctor but they failed to do so. Yes i think i will be filing a complaint with my Health insurance this is just not right of MedExpress Urgent Care and the last time i was there i was told by the same physician who waited on me not to vote for Hillary Clinton for US President. Yes, this doctor was wrong in so many ways and i don't care for his treatment. Thanks for reading this information.