According to information provided by you, if your due date is 29/6/2009 then your possible date of conception can be 6/10/2008. This is approximate date with the chances of dew days plus or minus because exact date of conception can not be calculated because ovulation usually takes place at mid of the cycle but some ladies can ovulate early and some late. After ovulation, egg can live for 24 hours while sperms inside female body can live for 5-6 days. It is not necessary to become pregnant on the day of sex.
Exact date of conception can not be calculated because ovulation usually takes place at mid of the cycle but some ladies can ovulate early and some late. After ovulation, egg can live for 24 hours while sperms inside female body can live for 5-6 days. If you have a 28 days cycle and your due date is 9th Jun, 2009 then most probable date of conception can be 16/9/2008. Few days plus or minus are possible.
My due date is 11 oct when was my contra