Usually implantation occurs 5-10 days past ovulation. And some women state they felt mild to moderate cramping during the time of implantation. The cramps you are feeling could very well be implantation cramps. It would still be to early to test for pregnancy, you should wait at least the first day your period is supposed to start. Good Luck!
It actually only takes a min of 6 days past ovulation for the egg/sperm combination to implant into a woman's uterus...thus making her officially pregnant. The cramping can be caused by this and in some cases is an early secondary sign of pregnancy. However, this sign alone does not mean you have conceived. Ovarian cysts have the same symptoms are are far more likely to occur statistically than pregnancy. After woman's every 24-48 hours your body's production of HGC (the hormone detected by any and all home pregnancy tests) basically doubles in amount. You may begin testing 10 days past ovulation (which is the same thing as 4 days before you expected period, and 5 days before your missed period) with an early pregnancy test such as first response or answer. Most generic tests, while comparable are not quite as accurate and should only be used post missed period. I hope this information helps.
Mommy of 2, TTC 3rd for 1 year.
Mommy of 2, TTC 3rd for 1 year.
I am experiencing cramping 5 days post ovulation. We are trying to concieve after a m/c in aug this year..I know I was ovulating as I had the extra secretions..hopefully I'll soon know.its saying on boxing day a pos preg test should show up ....what a great xmas if it does
I am going through the same thing. I am 9 days past ovulation and when I was 8days I had a little bit of spotting in my underware when I woke up in the morning that was pink. Now I am havinga white with a yellow-tint kind of stringy discharge. Could I be Pregnant?! PLEASE HELP.
I feel the same way I am 6 dpo and started feeling cramps 4 dpo...I really want to know if I am pregnant. I have never felt cramps like this 1 weeks before my I pregannt tell me tell me tell me
No It takes 2 weeks to even let the egg and sperm create a baby, until a 3 weeks to a month that is when you should be cramping.