I Had Sex A Week Before My Period. An I Am Used To Having A 5 Day Period. This Time I Had A 3 Day Period. Could I Be Pregnant? I Took A Test 5 Days After I Had Sex.


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I very much doubt it because you have had your period, although pregnancy will not pick up on a test until about 4 weeks after conception because your HCG levels are not high enough. If your next period doesn't come, then test again.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
By now you probably have answered your own question but I had a period just the same as you had and I am now 7 weeks pregnant. I usually have a 5-6 day period with a bit of heavy bleeding but this time I had a really light 2-3 day period, not even enough to fill up a pad. I totally thought this was my period and went on my way but a week before my next months period I started feeling really sick. I took a home pregnant test and it was positive, then took a blood test and my hcg levels where around 24,000. You very well could be pregnant. Wait it out.

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