
What Is The Difference Between Vaginal Bleeding And A Menstrual Period?


2 Answers

Matthew Crist Profile
Matthew Crist answered
A menstrual period lasts from around 3 to 5 days, although anywhere from 2 to 8 is also considered to be normal. The average amount of blood lost during a menstrual period is 35 millilitres, although anywhere from 10 to 80 millilitres is considered to be normal.

Symptoms of vaginal bleeding can include: Spots of blood in your underwear or on your bed sheets when you wake up or spots of blood on toilet tissue after you have been to the toilet. There is no real way to tell if you are having vaginal bleeding during your menstrual period, although you may find that period is exceptionally heavier.

There are several things that could cause vaginal bleeding to occur. When it is not caused by your monthly menstrual cycle, it is called abnormal or dysfunctional uterine bleeding. This is the most common cause of abnormal vaginal during a woman’s most fertile years (her childbearing years).

Vaginal bleeding could also occur when the complex system of hormones that controls your reproductive system is interrupted or altered slightly meaning that the oestrogen and progesterone levels are not balanced.

There are also some serious diseases that could cause abnormal vaginal bleeding to occur. A woman could have a harmless sore (NOT cancerous polyp or lesion) on her genitals that could cause the bleeding. Other diseases that could result in bleeding include: Cancer of the cervix, uterus or ovaries, ovarian cysts, cervicitis, endometritis, fibroids or a vaginal infection.

Slight vaginal bleeding can sometimes be a sign of pregnancy as the fertilised egg burrows into the uterine wall. Also known as implantation bleeding, it is usually a dark red/brown in colour.

There is also the chance that any trauma to the uterus or cervix could cause some excessive bleeding to occur such as an IUD contraceptive or possible injury from sexual intercourse.

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