I had this problem as well. Its all about the flora. And when we start treating ourselves as in a yeast infection, then trouble starts. It is really an over build up of yeast. Left too long , I guess it can start an infection. But this is common. If you smell that you are a little'off', then I recommend a good organic plain yogurt without sugar. Sugar feeds yeast. Your own 'good' bacteria will start to build itself and get rid of the 'bad' bacteria. If it has been going on for a long time try a acidopholis product such as bio k or another pill form. This will work instantly. I would never take any product labelled for yeast infection. Antibiotics actually make the matter worse. They weaken your immune system and kills good and bad bacteria. If you believe you need to take antibiotics, make sure!!! That you add acidopholis and /or plain organic yogurt to your diet preferably first thing in the morning. You will see this vanish. Also check your ph levels. This might help bringing the body to an alkaline/acidic balance.
Thank you, galadriel
Thank you, galadriel