Losing 3,000 calories per day is a lot. A normal female (30 years old, five ft, two in and 130 pounds; with a moderate active lifestyle) needs approximately 2,100 calories per day to maintain her weight. However, these two values imply many variables (age, sex, lifestyle, height, weight, etc.) and are quite difficult to calculate.
There are many theories regarding the strategies necessary to lose weight. Most of these theories have two factors in common: The quantity of food ingested per day and physical exercises. The food is an important factor, but there are perspectives, like the high protein diet, which question the actual validity of it. To make sure you’re on the right track, you need to focus on healthy meals and strict hours. Also, you need to eat more in the morning than you eat in the evening time.
Whichever the theory may be, physical exercises are of critical importance. You can’t go wrong with this one: If you want to consume more than you eat, you need a very strict and well-organized set of exercises, on a daily basis. You don’t have to stop during weekends or holidays, because your body does not stop consuming calories either. And if you’re lucky, and you have a good metabolic rate (that is, you burn calories easily), this shouldn’t be such a difficult thing to do.