Does Having A Tooth Filling Hurt? I Have Never Had One And Ii'm A Wuss.


17 Answers

Osbourne Ruddock Profile
It is perfectly understandable to be rather cautious before your first filling. But you should be assured, a standard filling should only give you the feeling of mild pain or discomfort at the very most.

During the procedure you will feel more discomfort than actual pain, however the following days or weeks after you may feel some pain. If your filling is metallic, then it may well conduct hot and cold to the center of the tooth, this heightened sensitivity may last for up to eight weeks.

If you are worried about the procedure, it is advisable to book a prior appointment with the dentist so you can let him talk you through the whole procedure and reassure you that everything will be fine and the amount of pain you should expect to feel during and after the filling will be minimal.

Putting off a filling and avoiding the dentist can actually result in a lot more pain further down the line. Fillings can stop tooth decay and gum disease and so left untreated you could find yourself with a whole host of more serious problems and the need for more extensive operations in the future.

Another option would be to ask family members or friends if they have had fillings and how much pain they may have felt during and after the procedure. Chances are it was minimal and that will help put your mind at rest.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just went to the dentist today to get 2 fillings and trust me it does not hurt at all. First they check your teeth Second. They put this pink stuff on your gum near your cavity(You will go a little num)Third.They give you a shot of Novocaine it may pinch a little but don't worry just say ay so the dentist will know that it hurts a little and you can always squeeze the dentist accsantint's hand if you want Fourth. They drill it with this tool that makes a awful noise(But it is completely painless) And last. They put the filling in and spray a little water and air then you get to pick a prize :) don't worry at all it does not hurt I got to go back monday for another filling so your not alone :) just sit back and close your eyes and it will be over before you know it :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi, I was so worried too! Because I had to get 4 fillings, with a dentist I have never been too. He could tell I was nervous. First they rubbed numbing cream, then wait a few minutes. Then they give you a shot, do not worry, it does not hurt at all, thats what the numbing cream if for :) then they tell you to just close your eyes and they get to work. It's good because you get to go to sleep. I got all 4 done and I don't have any more cavities! Trust me, you will be fine, I know it was no problem and all for me! :)
Christopher Adam Profile
Usually filling in cavities does not hurt very much at all, so you have no reason to be worried. This, of course, does depend to some extent on how deep your cavity is. You will, however, usually receive a local anesthesia, so you will not feel anything during the drilling.

The first step in tooth filling is to remove the effected enamel and decay by drilling. Your dentist will then prepare the tooth for filling and will use either amalgam or composite. Amalgam is more common, although these days some people prefer composite as it is white and thus is barely visible. Most dentists will try their best to make their patients feel comfortable and it is reassuring to remember that filling in cavities is a very common practice and nothing to be worried about.

Some people do, however, feel a little pain after the visit to the dentist. This can include temporary sensitivity to hot and cold, direct contact with air and some types of food. In some cases, it can take up to one or two weeks for the area to heal. If your cavity was only minor, however, you will probably not experience these problems.
I'm an ex-dental nurse. The procedure is painfree, usually. You might need an injection to numb the area, depending on how deep the filling is likely to be and where it is. The dentist will then drill your tooth, the put in some thing to line and sooth the cavity and then if it is a back tooth, will more than likely use a silver amalgam filing material. The numbness will usually last for around 3 hours, but you must be careful till it wears off as you might burn or bite yourself with out knowing. Hope it all went ok!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had a filling today and it didnt hurt the injection does give a pinch and wen he scrapes your tooth. It helps if you count to 10 or squeez somethin I got a bit of tooth ache but not bad tooth ache don't worry I'm 8 so you can't be as scared as I was
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It wont hurt at all it is completely pain free
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No, just ask them to give you the shot that makes your mouth numb. (This doesn't hurt either!)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have to get 8 fillings they r going to do four at a time I'm nervous it's going to hurt then they want to pull my wisdom teeth I don't know about all of that
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am getting a filling tonight at 3:00p.m. On MArch 2. Should I be scared? Cause I'm 12
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Depends what type of filling. Some fillings don't even need injections as they just "clean the tooth surface" your Dentist will be able to tell if its going to hurt and give you an injection to numb the area. The best thing is to get this done asap because a lot of people make the mistake of holding off as they are scared but the more time that goes by the worse the problem can get meaning more pain and more money.
tamara shoemaker Profile
It depends on the dentist. The one I went to was completely pain free. I ever watched spongebob while it was going on!he put this pink bubble-gum flavoured paste on my gums that numbed them, then he jacked my mouth open and then gave me a shot in the gums. It isn't that bad... My oral surgery was worse.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am scared as hell about getting fillings done. I am 30 yrs old I shouldn't be afraid but I am. I just really want to know if it hurts. So please if anyone has had it done let me know if it hurt...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm going today and its just a check up but I'm scared!!!!! They might do a filling on me when they see I have 2 small cavaties!
Camille Lansang Profile
Camille Lansang answered
Dude. I have 10 cavities -__- I hate pain. I'm finna bring an ipod to the dentist to listen to it so I can relax and not pay attention to what the dentist is doing.

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