Exact date when your baby was conceived can not be calculated because it depends upon ovulation and day of intercourse. After the ovulation that usually occurs at mid of the cycle, egg can survive for 24 hours and sperms can live for 5-7 days after ejaculation in the female body. But some ladies can ovulate later and some earlier. So, sex 4-5 days before ovulation can result in pregnancy. So, when you ovulated and got pregnant is calculated by assuming that ovulation took place at mid of the cycle. That is why you can calculate conception date by adding 2 weeks in first day of last menstrual period.
I want to know if I slept with my partner from the 22nd of the month till the 26th of the month and slept with my x on the 29th of the same month, and my last period was on the 12th of the previous month, who is the father.
I want to know if I slept with my partner from the 22nd of the month till the 26th of the month and slept with my x on the 29th of the same month, and my last period was on the 12th of the previous month, who is the father.