
What Is The Fastest Way To Get Heroin Out Of Your System?


18 Answers

Liam Sheasby Profile
Liam Sheasby answered
The active chemical in heroin is OPI, this is the same chemical as in morphine and this is what will be detected on a drugs test when looking for heroin. This also has the same reaction on the test as methamphetamine, which is the name for E.
As this OPI chemical lives in your water and bloodstream when it is in your body, it removes itself much quickly than other drugs that you can get and to be completely drug free in the tests you should wait up to a week, although in most cases this will be completely out of your body within four days. These drug tests can be conducted using urine or blood as the OPI is stored in both.
If you are concerned that this will be in your bloodstream or urine before a test, you can buy home testing kits online. These may not be reliable and could make you think that the drug is out of your system when it is not. You may not be sure what you are buying and these come with no warranty so you never know how accurate the result will be. Detection levels may vary in this and a real doctors test, a doctors test can find the drug at 2000ng/ml or higher.
Another thing to remember is that you will not know if your drugs have been cut or mixed with anything else that could remain in your body for a much longer period of time. There is a myth that drinking a lot of water will help flush the drug out but this will not stop your blood from transferring the drug waste into your urine.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I must be special because I pass piss tests in 24 hours all the time with 2 gallon of water 2 gallons of cranberry juice and a 2 hour sweat in the sauna, been on probation for years, been passing drugs test for longer, but if your a junkie the system will eventually catch up, its not a game I would suggest playing.
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Anonymous commented
I have two caps in the morning gets me threw the day...if I don't do those two caps that morning will I be good to go?
Anonymous commented
Following your methods?
Anonymous commented
What about a saliva swab test?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I wish people here wouldn't assume they are better than people who do drugs with their subtle comments. The man asked a question. I believe the more you piss and drink water before your test and exercise the faster the metabolites will be out, since they are water soluble and do not store in fat cells.
saveur life Profile
saveur life answered
Getting heroin out of my system was the easiest thing I ever did! This is what you need: 1/2 cup water, 1 niacin pill (2 if you way over 200 lbs.), 4 reese's peanut butter cups, 2 oranges (pealed), and 4 cups cranberry juice. Completely dissolve the niacin pill in the water, then mix everything together in a blender until completely smooth (no chunks whatsoever!). You can then add a desired amount of ice to reach your preferred texture (optional). Drink the ENTIRE smoothie!! If all steps are completed EXACTLY as directed, it is only a short 6 hour wait before you are as clean as a baby. You can thank me later. :)
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Swaq Jezis
Swaq Jezis commented
Hmm honestly I'm a little skeptical about this. I'll try it out by testing myself and I'll comment again with how it worked.
katja braun
katja braun commented
hi, I´m living in Denmark, we don´t have reese´s peanut butter cups, can u suggest something else?
katja braun
katja braun commented
did someone tried it? And did it really work?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Going to a meeting is NOT going to get drugs out of your system.Thats a ridiculous answer. Heroin only stays in your system up to 3 days. Depending on your metabolism of course. Drink lots of water!!! And niacin works very well. Its a vitamin you can buy at most stores. Take that with as much water as you can possibly drink.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Leila  Jones
Leila Jones commented
Heroin has been known to stay in your system longer, I have been test 3rd everyday and on the 13day I came back negative...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You guys are all stupid because heroin is water soluble it can take as little as 24 hours and as much as 3 days depending on how much water and exercise you get I was completely clean off it in less than 2 days from just drinking days of water and energy drinks and running!!!
thanked the writer.
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Anonymous commented
So if i last used bout 4 days ago,an ive gotta piss test tomorow ill be clean?
Anonymous commented
I keep reading to be active and exercise and run, how can you do that when you're detoxing? I get so sick I cant move let alone run! I'm trying to quit and just want to get the black out as fast as possible and make the pain end faster. So it looks like just
drink water and suck it up haha sick.
Leila  Jones
Leila Jones commented
I was tested everyday and on the 13day I came back negative
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you are a heavy user does the 3-4 days still apply with the water cranberry flush? I'm skinny 135lbs fast metabolism can eat mcdonnalds every day for every meal and not gain a pound.... I have a probation drug test in 6 days am I good if I flush?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

The only way to give a clean sample is, not to smoke or inject any form of Opiate "Five days" before your sample is taken otherwise you're inviting trouble by way of being caught with illegal substances in the sample. Some tests only have the ability to look back 5 days (Namely NHS drug tests) and others as far back as 28 days (The prison service in the U.K will find ANY sign of even smoking Marijuana this far back)

Negligible amounts of opiates like having a few lines "Chasing the Dragon" do show up also, there's no fool proof way to bypass the tests, no matter how much you flush or sweat.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous , Doesn't always work like that..., answered

I have been using heroin i.v since I was ten years old thanks to my living situation back then,and it has been 15 plus years I have been using it ever since.

A bad day of scoring for me is 200$, a good day I can do up to 600 average.(yes this is possible for the twinkies who think you can only do like 100 a day or so)

I have been on methadone for over 7 years now, my first places did supervised, now this one does not.

Yes the easiest way when unsupervised is getting someone to pee in a cup for you and transfer it to your cup when you get to the clinic.

But what made me want to comment was someone said even as a regular user it usually wont show up after about 7 days or so.

This is not true at all in some cases, because mine and my man's can still show up for over 12 days sometimes just from piss tests.

It's different with everyone, so don't make a general assumption after 7 days it'll be fine and dandy.

Synthetic urine is ok too and if you are a man yes they have some pretty elaborate kits, but as anyone mentioned they have kits for girls where it looks like they are peeing too?

In fact we have an old school method of using hooping, in where we will take a little bag with urine, make the very very tiniest indent not enough to leak though only enough to leak with pressure, we can push down with our fingers on our bladder and it will pop or you can put your finger near the hole and push if they ask why you are doing that tell them your tampon is stuck, they don't ask after that.

Eric Sullivan Profile
Eric Sullivan , Drug Tips, answered
Try immodium, take xanax give relaxation to your body pain and you must get fight against it and try to avoid it soon as possible. In the end its your life.

Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
Heroin normally stays in the system 3 days.. This is if you do it once or occasionally. If you are a regular user, it can take up to 7 days for the Heroin to fully be out of your system.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes because Narcotics Anonymous just obliterates all the drugs in your system because god is happy you are getting help right? Wow you're stupid. Drink as much water as you physically can, and do as much physical activity as you can, and you might be clean for a urine test in two days. But to be safe, give it 4 at least.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Have only used Heroin 3 times in last year before that was a regular user had one a week tommorrow but need to do a urine test same day the 7th day is up will I be clean only used $25 worth what do you think
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
There is no fast way to get any drug out of the system. If there were, noone would ever have a dirty urine again. Heroin stays in the system 3 days with occasional use and up to 7 days with daily use.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can drink two gallons of sunny d and that will slow the drugs down, But you can't get them out.
thanked the writer.
jon batchelor
jon batchelor commented
Ye mateys right drink shiyt loads of water or go on the piss for a day ; it will be out of your systom on third day . More u piss the quicker it will leave your system
HoNeY NOYB Profile
HoNeY NOYB answered
To get heroin out of your system in 24 hours is a (not happening kind of the thing). So (how to) is a no brainier.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go to an na meeting the dope spiritually leaves your body..tried it and answer 1 hour..unless the meeting is for 2 hours so 1 to 2 hours

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