
What Is Minimal Disc Bulge?


3 Answers

Hannah Barton Profile
Hannah Barton answered
A minimal disc bulge is where a disc in a person’s spine is damaged or pushes against the spinal cord or nerves.  This doesn’t always cause pain but it can do in some cases, and is a regular occurrence in older individuals.

When someone has an MRI scan, a minimal disc bulge is sometimes found by accident.  They can be common in people over 40, who don’t even need to have existing back pain or other problems.

A doctor can examine you to determine whether you will need it fixed or if it can be left alone safely.  If it is causing pain, then sometimes painkillers and physiotherapy can help to remedy it.

Exercise on a regular basis if you have a minimal disc bulge is very important, as rest can sometimes make it worse and make your back seize up.  The muscles and bones within your body need to be used often to keep them in good working order.

Exercise keeps your body flexible and reduces pain.  You do not even have to do rigorous sports, as you can simply go swimming, which is also a good relaxation method, or take a cycle ride on your bike every day round your local area.

Exercise can be free and done within your own home if you have a busy lifestyle and no time to go to the gym or local leisure centre.  Yoga may also help and again is great for improving your mind as well as body.

If you need help putting together a plan for your exercise then a physiatrist can do this, and go through the possible sports or routines that are suitable for your body and lifestyle.
Lakshmipriya Nair Profile
Disc bulge is a health disorder described by an abnormal expansion on a disc margin of the body. Thus it is medical term most commonly used to describe the findings of an MRI study of the spinal discs. These discs resemble soft cushions and serve the same purpose but when damage occurs to one or more of these discs then these discs may expand or press out of the spinal cord and nerves found in these areas.

A slight swelling of the spinal disc is therefore known as disc bulge. This swelling or out pouching as it is called can occur in different degrees. They are explained as minimal or maximal bulging. When there is only a slight bulging then it is known as minimal disc bulging. Disc bulges are also a common effect of aging and seen in many people above then age of 40. It can cause back ache and other related back problems.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Is minimal bulging disc very serious

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