
How To Clean Pcp In Your System?


13 Answers

David Gill Profile
David Gill answered
Although it can be difficult to clean PCP out of your body overnight, the best way to flush some of it out is to drink plenty of liquids such as orange and cranberry juices. It may also be advisable to try to stay as active as possible.  For those using it casually, it will usually be out of your system within 2 to 4 days. On the other hand, more chronic users may have to wait up to 90 days for it to fully leave their blood stream.
PCP or Phencyclidine is classified as a hallucinogen when used for human consumption. Although it was once used in 1950s as an anaesthetic, medical experts recognised it was causing a range of side effects such as confusion and stopped the drug being developed for human use.
These days, all production of PCP is done so illegally. When it is in its purest form, it will come in the form of a white powder that can be dissolved in liquids to give off a bitter taste.
A number of contaminants are usually added to the drug before it is sold on through drug dealers and gangs. Due to the number of different products that could be added, the appearance of PCP can vary widely. For example, it is available in a number of forms including tablets, capsules and coloured powders. Ranging from a tan to brown colour, the powder may even resemble a gummy mass, depending on what has been added to it.
Although the effects of using PCP will vary from person to person, moderate use of the drug can lead to the user feeling isolated and detached. It may lead to their speech becoming slurred, may produce hallucinations and even cause involuntarily eye movements.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Will cranberry juice flush pcp out of my system and how much of it do I have 2 drink?
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
PCP stays in the system 3 to 7 days for single use & up to 30 days in chronic users. The length of time in your system depends on your use & your metabolism.. Nothing can speed metabolism enough to get it out any quicker.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Will drinking lots of orange juice clean pcp out of my system in thirty
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Will water be sufficient enough to flush pcp out of my system and how much or how long would it take for a very small amount to be flushed out?
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
Stay active & drink plenty of O.J. And cranberry juice.. It will help but won't get it out overnight.
brian tunzi Profile
brian tunzi answered
It's not knowin but I found by past knoledge that if you drink a whole bunch of VA juice it will clean it out .
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
PCP stays in the system 3-7 days no matter what. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to get it out sooner.. It depends on your metabolism.
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
Getting drugs out of the system is a matter of time.. Nothing gets it out any quicker. Just have to wait the 3-7 days until it is fully out of your system.

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