
How Can You Tell Which Lumps And Bumps Are Normal On The Testicles?


2 Answers

Christopher Adam Profile
If you detect any lumps, bumps or other irregularities on your testicles, you should have them checked by your family doctor as soon as possible. A number of conditions can lead to lumps on the testicles, or the scrotum and many of them are not at all life-threatening. These include Hydrocele (soft lumps in the scrotum), varicocele (enlarged blood vessels), Hernia, infections and warts. Nevertheless, there is a small chance that lump(s) on the testicles can also be a sign of testicular cancer. This is why I recommend that you visit your doctor. Testicular cancer is certainly treatable, especially when it is detected early. Testicular cancer is most prevalent in men between the ages of 15 and 35, but it only represents about 1% of all cancers.

Although there is no set rule, the first sign of testicular cancer is a small, hard lump on the surface of one, or both testicles. It is often the size of a pea and may, or may not cause pain. Swelling in the testicles can also be a sign of testicular cancer.

Please do visit your doctor. He should be able to tell you right away if what you have is something to be concerned about.
Aimee Rogers Profile
Aimee Rogers answered
If you do feel your testicles every single day then you may be wondering what an abnormal lump would feel like and how you could compare it to a normal bump? Well basically you can tell if you do have an abnormal lump by identifying it as either a wart, a lump in the scrotum and varicoceles.

Varicoceles are caused by the veins around the testicles becoming swollen. They are not very nice and they are described as feeling like a bag of worms. The condition affects roughly 15% of men and it is not normal so it should be looked at by a doctor. Genital warts are also not a normal occurrence and they should be checked up on so that medication can be given to clear up any infection. Finally a lump in the scrotum could be due to testis cancer although usually most lumps are non-cancerous.

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