There is nothing to worry about, the natural size of men's testicles means that one is usually slightly bigger than the other testicle.
The average size of a normal testicle is between 12 and 30 cubic centimetre. Human testes are slightly lopsided and usually on the left hand side, meaning one testicle is slightly bigger than the other and they tend to hang a little lower as well.
If you feel you are experiencing larger issues of the testicles than what is described here, or you are suffering with anything relating to your testicles then you should consult your doctor or specialist.
The testicles are an extremely key function as they house the reproductive organs which are essential in procreation. On average there are around 200 million sperm produced on a daily basis by the testicles. However, it only requires one to create another human being especially when the woman is fertile enough so it penetrates one of her eggs.
You should be wary of any lumps or bumps in the testicles as this could be the possible early stages of testicular cancer. If you witness or see any minor things that look like lumps, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible.
The only way to test for this beforehand is if you run your hands smoothly over your testicles. You should be able to feel the scrotum (the outer skin that houses the testicles). Once you run your fingers carefully over them, you should be able to detect a smooth surface throughout. Anything irregular should be immediately checked out.
The average size of a normal testicle is between 12 and 30 cubic centimetre. Human testes are slightly lopsided and usually on the left hand side, meaning one testicle is slightly bigger than the other and they tend to hang a little lower as well.
If you feel you are experiencing larger issues of the testicles than what is described here, or you are suffering with anything relating to your testicles then you should consult your doctor or specialist.
The testicles are an extremely key function as they house the reproductive organs which are essential in procreation. On average there are around 200 million sperm produced on a daily basis by the testicles. However, it only requires one to create another human being especially when the woman is fertile enough so it penetrates one of her eggs.
You should be wary of any lumps or bumps in the testicles as this could be the possible early stages of testicular cancer. If you witness or see any minor things that look like lumps, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible.
The only way to test for this beforehand is if you run your hands smoothly over your testicles. You should be able to feel the scrotum (the outer skin that houses the testicles). Once you run your fingers carefully over them, you should be able to detect a smooth surface throughout. Anything irregular should be immediately checked out.