
What Are Signs Of Your First Period Coming?


76 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just got mine today :)
so I had been getting white discharge for like almost a year, yesterday I had brown discharge and I thought it was like in infection or something. This morning I woke up and it was brown again and I was feeling a bit curious. But then later in the day I got my period!
I didnt have any cramps or headaches, sore boobs or back or anything which I guess is kind of a good thing. Although I did notice I was getting some pimples, but now they are gone because I have my period now! Everyones signs are different and sometimes you don't even know! Nearly everyone will get brown discharge though because that is some of the blood mixing with the discharge. When you get the brown discharge you should make sure that you have all the things you will need.
If you don't want to talk to your mum about all the things you need to know just look it up on the internet it has heaps of info.
Tara Profile
Tara answered
What age are you?
Don't panic if you havent took your period yet
you go through different stages of puberty here they are they may happen at different times

1. You will start to develop breasts ( boobs )  or your breasts will get bigger
2. You will get underarm hair
3. You will start to get a lot of pubes what I mean is that you will start to grow hair in your pubic area

my daughter set me this up and I am a nurse and I love helping young girls like you
I will add you as a friend

I was just wondering do you have much hair down in the pubic are ( vagina )
when I add you if you let me know I can let you no roughly when you should take your period and I can talk you through what you should do when you take it etc.
Don't be embarrassed to talk to me about this because I have talked to loads of girls about that sorta thing and you can trust me 100%
thanked the writer.
View all 5 Comments
Anonymous commented
Im 12 and I get brown spotting . I got white discharge . But I get sometimes blood but like a dot am I on my period
Anonymous commented
O yea o got lots of pubic hair and moodswings and so on Im just wondering help me nurse
Anynomus Forever
Anynomus Forever commented
Hi I'm 11 and I have had discharge for a few months now, when should I get my period?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
10 top signs of you first period
1. Boobs
2. Stomache cramps
3.weight gain
4.mood swings
5. Underarm hair
6. Pubic hair
7. Vaginal discharge
8. Eating all the time
9. Sleepy all the time
10. You get over emotional
a good way to get a kick start on your period is to drink a lot of lipton green tea
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I personally wouldn't no I haven't started but from what I read on the internet
you get
-pubic hair(you start to get hair on your vagina and your armpits)
-discharge(white gooey liquid[related 2 mucus] that comes out of your vagina)
-breasts grow(which means that your boobs are getting bigger)
-acne(which is zits and pimples on your face,chest and back)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can get cramping, your might break out, your boobs can get slightly bigger,and you may be abit on the grumpy side.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I get so hungry and I can eat a ton!  I also get stomach pains, fast mood swings (happy,mad,sad) I also feel like I could fall asleep standing!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Clear, white discharge
Stomach aches/cramps
Breast Growth
Emotion changes/moody

Hope that helped :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I haven't gotten mine yet, but I find white and clear gooey stuff, I get mad easily, I'm hungry most of the time, I get headaches and in my lower back and stomach.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mild cramps
Pubic Hair
Breast enlarging

You don't have to have all of them to start. I haven't started but my friend only had acne,headache,and stomachache. It could start if you have ant of these symptoms at anytime.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 11 and going to middle school: Here are the signs, eating loads,feeling tired,moodiness,tummy aces,acne/pimples,goees clear white and brown discahrge and lower tummy aces,last but not least nausea and headahces for no reason!!! =]
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Signs differ from person to person... If your trying 2 figure out wen you'll get your first period a week before I was extremely stressed out more than usual and my breasts were quite tender, but to be honest it will come when you lest expect it!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The signs of your first period coming are discharge startin about a year or 6 months before, gettingg emotional or getting in a bad mood all of a sudden, your boobs gettingg big, and then cramps in your tummy or back...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 12 and I think my period is coming soon. I have acne, stomach cramps,I'm tired all the time, discharge, boobs,mood swings, lower-back pain, sometimes I feel like I'm going to puke, I randomly feel like crying and I'm hungry ALL THE TIME but sometimes my cramps are so bad that I can't eat. My mom got her period when she was 12 and my big sister got hers when she was 8 or 9, I'm going to be 13 in june so I'm really starting to get scared. I don't really feel comfortable talk to my mom or sister about it though, every time I'm about to talk to them I don't cause I think I'm going to cry. I don't have blood strikes in my underwear yet but my friends is starting to go a funny yellowish brown colour. Some of my friends have thiers and I'm really starting to feel left out. I always bring pads, tampons, advil and chocolate just in case it happens at school. Iv had friends for 3 year and I'm tired of waiting for my period. WHAT SHOULD I DO?please help me!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, no one knows for sure when that "time of the month" will finally arrive. But it usually happens when you go through puberty. You'll notice you're breasts are developing, and you'll start to get hair under you're arms, and around you're genitals (pubic hair is what it's known as). Another sign is vaginal discharge fluid(sort of like mucus) that a girl might see or feel in her underwear. The discharge usually starts 6 months before you're period. Don't worry if all you're friends get it first and you get it later, and don't worry if you think you're one of the first you know to get you're period. Everyone has their's at their own pace. Every girl is different, and everyone starts developing when their ready. Good luck! =)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have been looking up this question on google for the past week. I have all the signs . Arm pit hair, hair in the privite, I just started to get pimples and discharge. So I wear a thin pad. And the discharge is getting bad. Those are my signs so far.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well here are the signs

1.soft boobs
2.mood swings
4.white or brown sticky stuff in your underwear (discharge)
those r the signs o and you can also tell from when your mom got her period say your mom got hers when she was 14 you would prob get yours when you r 13,14 or 15.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My breasts hurt. I feel like I am fat, or bloated if that is the right word. I am not hungry-not like me at all! I feel like I am sick, but am not. I haven't gotten my period yet, but this is what my body feels like. :)

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Chocolate and sugar cravings. Feeling bloated or like you need to pee. Discharge tends to become more transparent. Emotional levels, stress levels and hormones go up these change your mood so you can feel sad angry and vulnerable all at the same time. Image awareness increases. Pimples tend to become more noticeable. Stomach cramps, back pain and headaches are also a factor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I haven't gotten mine but there are many sign. White discharge, emotional feels or mood swings, chest development, black hair in public area and under the arms, also aches and pains.    Hope I helped:)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have had pretty much non-stop cramps for about 4-5 days, I have been craving chocolate really bad ! I havent had very much discharge in a while though.. Do you think I'm getting my period ? And I'm almost 13..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
For me about a week before I get it , I get a pressure headache that just kinda hangs around and start feeling really emotional
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I haven't started but I have most of the symptoms
I have
pubic hair
armpit hair
Back cramps more than tummy craps but tummy as well
I am really moody
craving for chocolate
Anymore? I can't think of any do you think I'm close?
farah molokhia Profile
farah molokhia answered
I'm 11 and I still didn't get my period but I feel it's coming soon,because I have discharge and I'm ALWAYS hungry and I get mad pretty fast and I want to sleep all the time my chest isn't really developing but I have pubic hair
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have back pains evry day on and of during the day pubic hair and I am really moody I am getting breasts  and I have millions of spots on my face and they wont go away I have stomach cramps during and out of school I nearly cry they really hurt and and  all I want to do is eat and lounge about all day what will I do I am at school evry day and I am really worried incase I start my period when I am at school what shall I do ?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I haven't got mine yet but I feel it is coming soon....I have discharge headaches stomach pains and I cry a lot for no reason or get mad easily not exactly mood swings but sometimes I do
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Discharge which is white gooey stuff and stomach pains feeling hungry all the time mood swings lower tummy aches and specks of blood
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Signs of your period is vaginal discharge which is the white stuff
mood swings
stomach pains you feel hungry all the time
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I haven't started my period but you get cramps like on your side on like at the bottom of your stomach you have mood swings(emotional distress) and really angry.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I get discharge really heavy,back pain,and bad headaches. Don't worry having your period is not that bad. If you get heavy discharge like me just wear undies :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I was home from school 2 day and I fall asleep standing up my back HURTS and boobs hurt also I can't stop going pee
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I havent gotten mine yet but I have white discharge and my boobs are growing and I get mad sometimes for no reason.I also have stomach pains in the lower part of my stomach.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I haven't had mine yet, I'm about to turn 12 in a couple of days, I get headaches, discharge (lots) and I have to pee lots (like now >.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I am 14 and haven't started my period. I wear a d cup and have pubic hair and under arm hair. I have had this since I was 9..... Nothings happened!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Really people its not that big of a deal when you get your period itll come soon enough. If youre worried about not fitting in you shouldnt be. No one can know when you start your period unless you tell them. And if there truly your friends they wont care when you period. I went through always wishing I had it and trying to make it come sooner when I saw some thing that changed my point of view. It was an article talking about how kids these days just want to be grown up. It was an old lady who wrote it she said when she was kid kids were still play dress-up and making mud pies when they were 12 she said she wished those days had lasted longer because before she knew it she was all grown up and too busy for any of that. You know you only are young once in life time and you should embrace it. I'm 13 and don't have my period. But now I'm glad and take every minute I have of being kid. My advice - be a kid while you still can and don't wish to be grown up because you know it you will be and youll have a job, a mortage, other bills to pay, a marrige, a house to clean, kids to take care of, no time to be a kid. So I hope this helps if not I hope you think about it some more and maybe decide to enjoy being a kid while you can.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I am 12 and 13 in 2 months!!! I have cramps discharge headaches and have been eating a lot my feet grew to a size 5to a 7 1/2 wow I think!!! Ivhave been sleeping in till 12 in the morning I think I am going to start soon ps I have boobs too but they are smallish I wear a size 32 A
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First sign is boobs (in some girls) then pubic hair then you may feel your hips are getting bigger  main sign is a discharge
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a lot of signs, pubic hair, chest development, moody ness, hips getting bigger, hungry all the time, discharge (everyday), and I am 13 and I still don't have it and my mom got it when she was 11 or 12
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 11 and I have had pubic hair for about two years and my boobs started to develop like 2 1/2 years ago and I have under arm hair but I still haven't started help!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 12 n I think mine will come soon n I feel left out because even my friend tats skinny as a twig has it n I don't but I don't wnt 2 get it during skool
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I havent got mine yet either, but I'm 13, and I think it COULD be coming because I have lots of discharge, I'm hungry LOADS!! Lol!! I'm generally not a moody person so I don't get mad but I get upset for no reason. Stomach cramps, head ache!! Xxxxx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 14 and haven't started yet but a lot of goey white stuff in my under wear    2.side pains.   3.I want to cry.
Amy Bieber Profile
Amy Bieber answered
I'm 12 and I have a lot of vaginal discharge, but no period! All my friends have it.  They say if your skinny it takes longer and I'm really skinny but my friend is Skinnyer  than me and she got it. I'm worried...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I Haven't started my period either , and I'm 13 I have public hairs and discharge and developed boobs bu I haven't had black under arm hairs , Just blonde when I look closely , am wondering why I havent started my periods have but my friends all have , am about 4.9 and about 5,5 stone.! Can anyone help me please...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think I'm getting mine I've been looking at a bunch of websites and found the same things Vaginal discharge, Boobs, Underarm and pubic hair, stomache cramps, weight gain, Headaches, eating a lot, always sleeping and talking back to grown ups wich is so not like me and the weird thing is I'm 101/2   but I found out that if you drink lipton ice tea morning afternoon and before bed for three day trust me I'm guessing it works all the time I'm going to start trying
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I'm 11 and I think I might be having my period 'cause I have mood swings, feel sick, have food cravings, have cramps and discharge. What can I do to help the cramps?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know but my tummy hurts and I want to cry a lot,I'm always hungry (thats NOT in my peiriod)so I don't know.and I'm also getting mad and wanting to sleep.(I'm 12,btw) and I'm saying 'like' all the time. HELP?
Sunika Starlight Profile
It puts me in a VERY hissy mood, It's so painful, I want to scream my head off or if someone bothers me,I'll cuss them out! I'm also more hungrier and I tend to snack a lot
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I get bad stomach pain and very light bleeding before it comes through really heavy and this is a couple of days before
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I am 11 I am sleepy all the time and am eating a lot. I have pubic hair,discharge and boobs. Do you think I am going to start my period soon?

Marie Wendy Profile
Marie Wendy answered

Well I'm with you guys because my mom got hers when she was 11 and I'll be 11 in a couple of weeks and I've been reeeeeaaaaallllyyyyy hungry, I've been soooooo tired, I've been having cramps and headaches and moods swings. I also have pubic hair and reaaaalllllllyyyyy sore boobs and I have under arm hair. I'm older than most of my friends so they think that I'll probably get it anytime soon just like I do. Oh and I also have the discharge so I have to wear pantyliners. I've had most of these symptoms for about 8 months but I haven't gotten it yet. My mom says I'm probably reeeaaaallllyyy close so I'm kinda excited but anyway if you want it quicker you can drink whole milks and fatty meats along with green tea. You can also rub toothpaste on your boobs, take a shower, and after you're done rub it with oil. It helped my friend who's older than me so hope this helps!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I havent started my period I have started to develop boobs and under arm hair  and hair down in the pubic area I get all of them but nothing is happening I really wont my period to start
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Stomach aches for weeks on and off, but for 3 days now constant reaching as to be sick. Not actually sick but reaching, in the morning at night, any time. Is this normal.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Soreness in your thighs and lower abdomen. Usually it feels like you have to take a bowel movement but a little lower. Tender breasts, and fatigue are also signs. You will also notice you gained 2-3lbs out of the blue (it's best to weigh yourself in the morning right when you wake up and do your morning urination to see what your REAL weight is).

Sweet and salty cravings are NOT common - since cravings are usually signs that your body is lacking something. Sweet means lower blood sugar, salty means you're a little dehydrated and need water (maybe a cracker or two).

Emotional fluctuation is also NOT a common sign - since many people can be angry or upset for personal reasons, and it is common for some women to not experience any PMS or emotional changes.

Fatigue is a really key sign since your body is starting to become lower in iron, and this will make you very tired.
Muhammad Nadeem Profile
Muhammad Nadeem answered
There are no reliable signs of periods in every women. Some women can have premenstrual syndrome. These cane signs of periods. These signs are mood changes, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, Headaches, cramps, Breast tenderness etc. These signs can also be due to pregnancy, so, there are no definite signs of periods. Many ladies know their body very well and can feel that their periods are about to come.
Hayley Mayes Profile
Hayley Mayes answered
I'm 12 And 5'3" and I haven't has it yet! I have been hungry and tired! I felt naesua, dizziness and headache in and out of school! I felt like throwing up but didn't. I have lost about 10 lb and I feel weird. Also I have been seeing whitish , yellow stuff on my underwear! What's up with this? My boobs are bigger and I have pubic hair! Since last year I have noticed them. The yellow discharge has been happening for like 2-3 months! Is this helpful? I'm still confused! But the research I have done
I should get it in about 3-4 month! Just in time for summer! Grrr!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have whiteish, brownish discharge, tummy aches, back aces, boobs getting bigger, A LOT of pubic hair, armpit hair, ALWAYS HUNGRY, and I am 10 1/2 and I've had these symptoms for a while. My Mom and older sister got theirs when they were 11 or 12 (both of them) and I really want mine! None of my friends have theirs yet and I really want to be the first!!! I hope I helped!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 11 I got loads discharge but small boobs run in the family but I'm getting big ones not 2 mention hair down there!!!!! Plz help I don't no what I'm doing plus I live with my dad :(
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 14 and still hav not gotten it my cousin just got hers and she is 13!!!! I fell so left out:( any1 pls help me!!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have had discharge, armpit hair, private hair, and I have got really bad cramps. I'm twelve
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am only 11, but I have discharge, I just got streaks of blood, and I have lower stomachaches and head aches often, not to mention boobs.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm only 10 almost 11 and I have all the signs exe pt for heavy bleeding what do I do
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Btw I'm 10 but I have boobs, stomach pain, heat flashes, hungry even after I eat.HELP?!?!?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have started getting:
Stoumache ache
and some of my friends in year 6 have started in year5

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