
How Much Should A 12 Year Old Girl Weigh?


76 Answers

Yun Wan Profile
Yun Wan answered
Generally speaking, at the average height of around 5 ft, or 152 cm, the healthy weight of a girl at the age of 12 should range between 80 and 110 pounds, or just over five and a half to a little under eight stone. This would equal approximately 36 to 50 kg.

This range of weights is so wide, because kids do tend to grow at varying rates. It is therefore possible for five 12 year old girls to all be of a different height.

In addition, the basic structure of their bones will also influence their actual weight. A girl with a very heavy bone set, for instance, will automatically be heavier than a girl with slender bones.

It becomes obvious how difficult it is to determine how much a girl should weigh at the age of 12, or any other age, for that matter.

The main thing to remember is that there is no such thing as a perfect weight. Not everyone can be perfectly skinny. At this age, being a little chubby may be as normal and healthy as being a little on the skinny side.

As long as the girl is fit and healthy, with plenty of exercise and a healthy, balanced diet, all is well. The 'diet' in this, by the way, refers to the general food intake.

A girl of this age should under no circumstances consider going onto a diet in order to lose weight, unless instructed to do so by medical professionals due to being dangerously overweight.

If extremely high or low weight do constitute a reason for concern, it is best to consult a doctor, who will be able to determine whether there is a problem, and if so, how best to proceed in order to correct it safely.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think a great weight for girls who are 12, should be, 115-150..... I think this, because, at twelve you are still growing, and when you grow the weight will move around your body. Weight helps your bones grow, and is good for lots of things!!! Being to skinny could lead to a bad sickness. Being aroung 115-150, won't get you sick, and will help you when you grow, and you will look like a healthy person! Go for walks, or jogs, to get your blood moving! :) Get outside and move around! Eat all your green veggies, and fruit, and of course, steak, hamburgers ect, for iron! And dairy products for healthy bones! Have fun with your body, and keep it healthy!
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Anonymous commented
Hi . i am Madison and i am 12 about to be 13 and i am 145 pounds . i think my height is 5'6 i don't really know . But when i look at my self in the mirror i look a little fat . and i don't know if a diet is healthy for my age . i eat a lot of fruit but not very many veggies . i eat meat and i know i eat sweets . so i just wanted to know if i start walking how many miles should i walk and what weigh should i go for ?
Talita JOHANNES commented
Hi I'm 12 almost 13 I weigh 98pounds. (48kg) I'm pretty tall
Am I really fat
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think a 12 year old girl should weigh about 95 to 160 pounds. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside but on the inside is what counts. Can any one do the flexed arm hang? I know I can't I have a fitness test tomorrow I have the shuttle run and the arm hang
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It really matter's on your height. I'm 12 yrs old and I weigh about 100 pounds. I'm also about 5 feet. I would like to be about 90-95 though. If your a little shorter, than you might wonna be a little lighter, but if your a little taller, you might wonna be a little bigger. No offence to anyone in anyway. Just excerise, eat healthy and as long as your happy with yourself, that's all that matters.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dude 400 pounds is obese for anyone.  The average person should not weigh over 250 lbs when they are full grown.  I think that 1.  It depends on height and 2. At 12 everyone is growing, and is different, so anywhere from 70 - 160 is about healthy.  Anywhere under 70 is too light, and over 160, well, hold up on the food and get some exercise.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There really is no correct answer to "how much should a twelve year old girl weigh?", it depends on your height.Ask your doctor, don't feel bad  about what you weigh.Eat healthy, exercise and play sports to stay healthy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It doesn't matter if a girl has meat on her bones, it's been proven that a lot of the hott, skinny girls in school grow up to be fat and a lot of the fatter/chubbier girls grow up to be hott models and all sorts.
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Anonymous commented
I am a skinny girl and i probaly wont grow up to be fat it only depends on if you eat alot and in my genes we are automaticlly tall and skinny so i dont belive that ...!!!!!!!!
alyssa dee
alyssa dee commented
Thank you, I am 165
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First of all I don't want to be like skinny girl that could fit into a bikini an di don't think you other girls will want to. It don't matter how much you as long as your fine with how you look, look at me I am a 12 year girl and I weigh about 125- 135 pounds I am happy with the way I look and you should to.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I'm 12 and like I think 12 year olds should weigh 100-130 I'm 120 pounds soooo but I think I'm fat soo but my friend is 12 and she weighs 65 pounds I think thats way to skinny though
Siobhan Titchie Profile
Siobhan Titchie answered
It doesn't depend on age but on height as everyone is different heights so if you say 95 pounds and the 12 year old is really tall then that won't be a normal weight for someone who is tall. Measure her height and then ask again
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I weigh 155 pounds and I just turned 12. But you would never think I'm overweight. I just don't know if I should try slimgentics should I?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 12 and I am not ashamed of how much I weigh bcause I could care less about what people say about me or think about me. That may not help you but that is what I tell myself evrey time I look in the mirrior. Anyway I wegh around 87-90 so to me the avvrage is about 90-120. Evreyone around me tells me I am the prettist girl they have ever met, evreyone at school likes me. Me and my friend rochelle countied 197 boys who like me in 6th grade. I guess what I am trying to say is being nice to evreyone even the people you don't like treat you the same not because your weght or looks.(its okay to not have an hour class shape of a body your not even a teenager yet) always take care of your body shower very offten, use deotorinte ect. And don't worry about your weight you can do anytyhing you put your mind to without stressing out over somrthing so worth whiled.over and out!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think a 12 year old girl should be 100- 150 pounds. I am 12 and I weigh 120 and I am 5' 5".
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yikes I'm 130 and I'm 6th grade is that a lot for a 12 year old girl?
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Anonymous commented
Not really most likely you are tall because i find most girls at our age are a little chubby or thick but not obease or fat i think its normal but we think we are fat but the truth is the media makes it that we need to be skinny but if you when to your doctor they would say you are a healthly weight 5''2 and i weigh 115 i dont think im fat or skinny i think im avergag
alyssa dee
alyssa dee commented
92 pounds? Thats UNDERWEIGHT
Anonymous Girl
Anonymous Girl commented
I am 12 years old. I live in Maine. I am 4'6'' and weigh like 80 pounds.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 12 nd 125 or 130 people say I'm not fat but I reali thin I'm chubby am I . Plz write back
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Anonymous commented
I'm 12 and 115 I hate the way I look in pics and my belly looks ehh, but your growing so it's normal weight. As you get older you'll thin up. :)
Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
Setting aside all the contradicting theories and if you calculate the weight of a girl who is of twelve years of age, you will find that her weight should be around forty kilograms. The range in which her weight falls is between twenty-six to seventy kilograms.
As you have asked about the ideal weight it sounds a good idea to provide you information about her height also. The optimal height that she is expected to attain is around one hundred and fifty centimetres and the height also has its range in which it is expected to fall; the height ranges from 131 centimetres to 168 centimetres.
I can give you the address of a website also that you can use to calculate the ideal weight and height of somebody. The address is following:
Kayla Sloan Profile
Kayla Sloan answered

I'm 12 and 5"6 and I'm 76.5 lbs 

I think it's healthy... I mean I guess I'm a little fat but hey I don't mind!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I think it all depends on how tall you are and your genes I mean everyone is different and beautiful no matter what age or height there is not perfect weight for anyone. It's just a number and it doesn't define who you are

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 11 and have a huge wight problem I look real skinny but under my t-shirt I'm not
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How much should I weigh  I'm 12 and I'm average height
please tell me in stone as I'm a bit thick
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm going to be 13 really soon. I'm 5'9 and weigh about 165 lbs. I don't look overweight though, and not obese at all.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I way 75pds but I'm an athlete and I'm all muscle. But I think the average should be about 75 to 110 maybe I don't know
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think a 12 year old girl should way 95~130 .I am 12 years old and I way 108.2 pounds
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I  am 12 and I weigh 130 lb.  I feel very round. I can fit in to women size clothes
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm twelve and I'm 5'3 and I'm just over six stone and I reckon I'm overweight... I have gone from a size 4 to a size 6!!!!!! :( need to hit the gym, I think!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 12 and weight 103 pounds.  I weight as much as I do because of muscle. Muscles from sports ..etc. I think any where from 90-120 is a good weight. You can go online to a weight calculator and put in your height and weight and tell you how much body fat you have...  I don't think a 12 year old should worry about there weight anyways.. God doesn't make mistakes.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 12, 5'5 and I weigh 54 kilos. Last year I went from 58 to 44 by starving myself, but I'm not allowed anymore. I'd like to get down to 35-40 kilos.

Am I fat? Last year I had anorexia but I can't kick the feeling. I know I need to lost weight. A lot of weight.
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Anonymous commented
Omg how much do you wieghtwithout the kilo sighn and starving yourself is not good
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just turned 12 and I am 94 pounds when I look at my self I think I look fat. A girl in my year says she weighs about 63 pounds I don't think thats right.She is short but I'm only a few inches taller that her. Does this seem right. I don't think so.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 10 and I weight 105-110...I don't really look that fat but I am. I am about 4'7 and I play softball...I am outside a lot but I cannot loose weight...I eat like fast food once or twice a week,but I am going to like once every 2 weeks...All of my friends are like skinny and like leave me out of the group except my best friend named Bailey,she is like a little bigger then me but she's super nice. I just need to know how much I should weigh... If anyone has a answer for a young 10 year old 5th grader please send a message back. Thanks!
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Angelia Rogers
Angelia Rogers commented
You are not fat i am! I weight 135 im 5ft. 1 and people do the same thing with me they are rude call me ugly fat that sort of thing but u r not fat! I suggest not eating fast food alot and only eating it like at most once a month i hardly ever eat fast food and since then i lost 5 pounds! Ive stopped eating alot and i havn't gained weight for a long time so im happy im still trying to loose weight another thing i suggest is doing a lot of exercises thats how i lost 5 pounds
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If they are about 5'0 feet tall then about 95 to 105 pounds if you are taller then you should weigh more if you don't then you are healthy but if you are taller and weigh about 85 pounds then you need to see a doctor now if you are shorter then 5'0 and 12 you should weigh about 90 to a 100 or less it depends how tall you are really.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think 105 to 125 I am 12 and wiegh 115 to 120 I used to wiegh 125 and I was huge I lost a lot of weight like 11 pounds! My family will walk by me sometimes because they don't notice me because I lost so much and I am a cheerleader so most of mine is muscle to,but I also have stomach problems so yeah you don't have to starve your self to lose weight just exercise and eat heatheir I thought it wasnt going to work but after a week I lost some weight so yeah , thats my oppinion.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Wow you must be skinny because I'm 12 and a half and I weight 115 I don't look fat but I'm a little thick plus I'm very athlictic I'm into a lot of sports   compared to many people in my class I'm an avergage weight   I don't think you should really worry about you weight  you are pretty skinny
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think a 12 year old girl should weigh 100-125lb because I am 12 and I weigh 95
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Anonymous commented
I am 12 too an i think a 12 year old girl should weigh from 96-122 i weigh i am not gonna lie i use to weigh 116 now i weigh 112 i lost some pounds and i am really proud to all the 12 your old girls out there you should run everyday eat put eat little don't diet just live life eat 3 small meals a day and workout tell your parent to buy you a workout video or go to excercise they are free cardio yoga and other excercises.
Anonymous commented
Or slowing eating less like first 3meals and one snack then gradullay just 3 meals i find just not eating as much snacks you can lose as much as 2 pounds in just a day im 115 pounds and 5''2 and im avarge in my opionon
Anonymous commented
I am 12 and i weigh 106 pounds, i have done a little bit of research and the average 12 year old girl weighs 115 pounds-120 pounds. It does not matter that much if you are out side of this range because it also depends on your hight and bone structure.
Ps. Dont worry about what other people think of you just be yourself, it matters what is on the inside.

Hope this helpsxxx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
None of you girls are fat. Stop saying your fat your not . If you weigh 70 and are 12 years old then thats the maximum
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
NONE OF you GUYS ARE FAT !!! I'm a 12 year old girl who is 5ft 7 and I weigh 150 because I have more muscle then fat and muscle is fatter then fat
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I weigh 85pds but I am 12 I want to weigh 65 because I am fat....

The weight should b 65-95
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 5 feet 2 inches and I weighed  126.6 pounds a month ago but now I weigh 107.6 but I still feel and look fat so I am going to try to get down to 93 pounds
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am 12 and my height is 5'1 turning into 5'2 I weigh 109 I think I'm fat but my mom Said your alright because I'm growing I still get mad because my Doctor said I'm perfect because I didn't pass 120
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm a 12 year old girl and I'm 4 7"  I weigh about 75...I don't look skinny I'm just really short for a 7th grader..I think I'm pretty average so I would say typical weight for a 12 year old girl is 80 to 150.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 12 and  5'1 and weigh 85 pounds,  I'm not to skinny, but don't have a whole lot  of fat either!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I'm 12 and I weigh 6 stone 1 I don't no how much it is in pounds and I'm about middle height so could you please tell me how much I weigh in pounds??
Melissa Kimber Profile
Melissa Kimber answered
I'm 12. I weigh 113 pounds and I am 5 foot 4. I look normal on the outside  but when I look at myself I look REALLY overweight.
Am I overweight for my age and height?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think a twelve year old girl should be 105 to 120 or 115.
I'm twelve an I'm 5"0 and 108 pounds DDx
my bmi is 21.1
do you guys think thats fat or skinny??
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I'm about 89 pounds and I'm 13. My friends tell me I'm Way to skinny. People make fun of me because I'm the skin nest person in 8th grade =( . But on my scale 125+ is over weight if you are 12 and about 200 ma bey you can cut down your snacks you eat and play outside if you never do..... (no offence) please don't take this personally.
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Anonymous commented
Nonthing is wrong with you weighing that much but if you are starving yourself so that you can weigh that much then it is a problem. My friends tell me that i need to gain weight because i am to skinny to but dont listen to them becauae if it is the way that you were born then you are just going to have to tell your freinds to deal with there problems and they may be jelous because they want to be as skinny as you..................=)
Tyler Williams Profile
Tyler Williams answered
I'm not expert but I think around 400 pounds. I don't know I could be wrong.
Meta Forrest Profile
Meta Forrest answered
I would say you are a bit underweight if anything . At your age you should be weighing around 84-90lbs.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would say well, I mean for a girl, a girl has boobs and that counts as weight so I would say about 65 pounds because I am 5'2 and I weigh 65 pounds so yeah. And I am also 12
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
An average girl about 12 would not be 65 pounds. Depending on the height of the girl, that would make a difference on what she would weigh. I am 12 About to be 13 in July and I am 124 pounds. I like the way I am.
Anonymous commented
Im twelve and 5'0 and i weight 93 pounds and am skinny 12 year olds shoulnt be 65 pounds
Arielle  Nelson
Arielle Nelson commented
Honestly I think your age really doesn't matter. It's more your height, background, and how much things in your body weigh. Like let's say your shin Weighs about 6 pounds, that would add onto your body weight. I do dance and that's how I stay in shape. One of my dance teachers told me, your feet and and ankles, and knees, and knee caps, and on up till your pelvis are supposed to hold you up. Both your feet weigh the same. Both you legs weigh the same. Girls are growing breasts at this age, and sometimes they weigh different weights, but mostly everything else is the same. If you look at your face, everything symmetrical, except those freckles you have on your cheeks, or that beauty mark above your lip. So you could fold your self in half and it would be nice and neat. Except that is impossible. Let's go onto background. So if your family is known for being super thin, you may be small and thin. If they are known for being a little on the chunkier side they may be chunky it just depends. No weight in the body. Some girls are like birds. They have arms that almost seem hollow. Some have thick, nice, a strong arms. That makes them weigh more or less. Although you people posted years and years ago, I hope this helped! 😊

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